Electric and Magnetic Tau Dipole Moments revisited
Gabriel A. Gonzalez-Sprinberg (Republica U., Montevideo)
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Monte Carlo study on optimal breast voxel resolution for dosimetry estimates in digital breast tomosynthesis
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The right top coupling in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model
Cesar Ayala (Santa Maria U., Valparaiso & Valencia U. & Valencia U., IFIC), Gabriel A. González-Sprinberg (Republica U., Montevideo), R. Martinez (Colombia, U. Natl.), Jordi Vidal (Valencia U. & Valencia U., IFIC)
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The top quark right coupling in the tbW-vertex
Gabriel A. González-Sprinberg (República U., Montevideo), Jordi Vidal (Valencia U. & Valencia U., IFIC). Oct 7, 2015. 19 pp.
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Majorana neutrinos production at LHeC in an effective approach
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Top quark anomalous tensor couplings in the two-Higgs-doublet models
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Top quark anomalous tensor couplings in the two-higgs-doublet models.
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Unparticle signals in neutrino telescopes.
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Tau spin correlations and the anomalous magnetic moment.

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