Resultados obtenidos con el programa winOCCULT 2.0 de Dave Herald de la IOTA

Ocultaciones de estrellas y planetas por la Luna 2002

Ocultaciones de astros brillantes por la Luna

Salidas y puestas calculadas para Montevideo. Si necesita los datos para otras localidades escribame:

                      C A L E N D A R   F O R   2002

         Enero                    Febrero                    Marzo            
 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
        1  2  3  4  5                      1  2                      1  2     
  6  7  8  9 10 11 12       3  4  5  6  7  8  9       3  4  5  6  7  8  9     
 13 14 15 16 17 18 19      10 11 12 13 14 15 16      10 11 12 13 14 15 16     
 20 21 22 23 24 25 26      17 18 19 20 21 22 23      17 18 19 20 21 22 23     
 27 28 29 30 31            24 25 26 27 28            24 25 26 27 28 29 30     

         Abril                     Mayo                      Junio            
 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     1  2  3  4  5  6                1  2  3  4                         1     
  7  8  9 10 11 12 13       5  6  7  8  9 10 11       2  3  4  5  6  7  8     
 14 15 16 17 18 19 20      12 13 14 15 16 17 18       9 10 11 12 13 14 15     
 21 22 23 24 25 26 27      19 20 21 22 23 24 25      16 17 18 19 20 21 22     
 28 29 30                  26 27 28 29 30 31         23 24 25 26 27 28 29     

         Julio                    Agosto                  Septiembre          
 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     1  2  3  4  5  6                   1  2  3       1  2  3  4  5  6  7     
  7  8  9 10 11 12 13       4  5  6  7  8  9 10       8  9 10 11 12 13 14     
 14 15 16 17 18 19 20      11 12 13 14 15 16 17      15 16 17 18 19 20 21     
 21 22 23 24 25 26 27      18 19 20 21 22 23 24      22 23 24 25 26 27 28     
 28 29 30 31               25 26 27 28 29 30 31      29 30                    

        Octubre                  Noviembre                 Diciembre          
 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
        1  2  3  4  5                      1  2       1  2  3  4  5  6  7     
  6  7  8  9 10 11 12       3  4  5  6  7  8  9       8  9 10 11 12 13 14     
 13 14 15 16 17 18 19      10 11 12 13 14 15 16      15 16 17 18 19 20 21     
 20 21 22 23 24 25 26      17 18 19 20 21 22 23      22 23 24 25 26 27 28     
 27 28 29 30 31            24 25 26 27 28 29 30      29 30 31                 


Siderial Time, Julian Day Number, Solar Transit, and Nutation, in 2002
Solar Transit for Longitude -56.2 deg. E

                   Julian      Siderial       Solar       Nutation
   Date             day          Time        Transit    Long.     Obl
                                h  m  s      h  m  s      "        "
2002 Ene  1      2452275.5      6 41 54     12 48 11   -16.49     0.06
2002 Ene 11      2452285.5      7 21 20     12 52 34   -16.28     0.25
2002 Ene 21      2452295.5      8  0 45     12 56  0   -16.08     0.65
2002 Ene 31      2452305.5      8 40 11     12 58 12   -15.50     0.92
2002 Feb 10      2452315.5      9 19 36     12 59  2   -15.49     1.07

2002 Feb 20      2452325.5      9 59  2     12 58 35   -16.13     1.39
2002 Mar  2      2452335.5     10 38 28     12 57  3   -16.17     1.75
2002 Mar 12      2452345.5     11 17 53     12 54 41   -16.24     1.85
2002 Mar 22      2452355.5     11 57 19     12 51 50   -17.02     1.81
2002 Abr  1      2452365.5     12 36 44     12 48 49   -17.49     1.95

2002 Abr 11      2452375.5     13 16 10     12 45 59   -17.64     2.03
2002 Abr 21      2452385.5     13 55 35     12 43 36   -17.75     1.81
2002 May  1      2452395.5     14 35  1     12 41 57   -17.98     1.67
2002 May 11      2452405.5     15 14 26     12 41 10   -18.22     1.71
2002 May 21      2452415.5     15 53 52     12 41 20   -17.70     1.65

2002 May 31      2452425.5     16 33 18     12 42 23   -17.27     1.45
2002 Jun 10      2452435.5     17 12 43     12 44  8   -17.40     1.42
2002 Jun 20      2452445.5     17 52  9     12 46 14   -16.87     1.62
2002 Jun 30      2452455.5     18 31 34     12 48 21   -16.06     1.69
2002 Jul 10      2452465.5     19 10 60     12 50  5   -15.86     1.69

2002 Jul 20      2452475.5     19 50 25     12 51  8   -15.73     1.97
2002 Jul 30      2452485.5     20 29 51     12 51 15   -15.41     2.36
2002 Ago  9      2452495.5     21  9 16     12 50 22   -15.06     2.53
2002 Ago 19      2452505.5     21 48 42     12 48 31   -15.24     2.70
2002 Ago 29      2452515.5     22 28  8     12 45 52   -15.82     3.06

2002 Sep  8      2452525.5     23  7 33     12 42 38   -15.80     3.35
2002 Sep 18      2452535.5     23 46 59     12 39  6   -15.93     3.37
2002 Sep 28      2452545.5      0 26 24     12 35 36   -16.85     3.38
2002 Oct  8      2452555.5      1  5 50     12 32 29   -17.21     3.54
2002 Oct 18      2452565.5      1 45 15     12 30  3   -17.12     3.52

2002 Oct 28      2452575.5      2 24 41     12 28 38   -17.41     3.24
2002 Nov  7      2452585.5      3  4  6     12 28 28   -17.59     3.15
2002 Nov 17      2452595.5      3 43 32     12 29 41   -17.44     3.19
2002 Nov 27      2452605.5      4 22 58     12 32 17   -16.84     3.03
2002 Dic  7      2452615.5      5  2 23     12 36  4   -16.38     2.86

2002 Dic 17      2452625.5      5 41 49     12 40 41   -16.31     2.95
2002 Dic 27      2452635.5      6 21 14     12 45 38   -15.53     3.15
2003 Ene  6      2452645.5      7  0 40     12 50 22   -14.66     3.21


                    Diary of Astronomical Phenomena 2002
             Predicciones generales para todo el planeta en T.U.

 d  h                                  d  h
 1  6  Jupiter at opposition          19  3  Mars 4.8N of Moon
 2  8  Moon at perigee                21 18  FIRST QUARTER
 3  0  Regulus 4.2S of Moon           24 16  Saturn 0.2S of Moon     Occn
 3 13  Earth at perihelion            24 19  Aldebaran 4.0S of Moon
 6  5  LAST QUARTER                   25 20  Venus 1.3S of Neptune 
 9 14  Mercury 1.2S of Neptune        26 12  Mercury 4.3N of Venus 
11 18  Mercury greatest elong E(19)   26 19  Jupiter 1.0S of Moon    Occn
13 13  Venus 1.4N of Moon             27  4  Mercury 3.1N of Neptune 
13 14  NEW MOON                       27 19  Mercury inferior conjunction
14 12  Venus superior conjunction     27 22  Pollux 4.3N of Moon
14 19  Neptune 3.5N of Moon           28 14  Neptune at conjunction
15  4  Mercury 3.8N of Moon           28 23  FULL MOON
16  1  Uranus 3.6N of Moon            30  9  Regulus 4.1S of Moon
18  8  Mercury stationary             30 10  Moon at perigee
18 10  Moon at apogee                 

 d  h                                  d  h
 4 14  LAST QUARTER                   17  4  Mars 4.7N of Moon
 6 10  Antares 6.0S of Moon           20 12  FIRST QUARTER
 7 16  Venus 0.7S of Uranus           21  1  Saturn 0.2S of Moon     Occn
 8 11  Saturn stationary              21  4  Aldebaran 4.2S of Moon
 8 13  Mercury stationary             21 21  Mercury greatest elong W(27)
10  8  Mercury 5.1N of Moon           23  3  Jupiter 0.9S of Moon    Occn
11  4  Neptune 3.6N of Moon           24  8  Pollux 4.2N of Moon
12  8  NEW MOON                       24 15  Mercury 0.5S of Neptune 
12 11  Uranus 3.6N of Moon            26 20  Regulus 4.1S of Moon
12 24  Venus 3.2N of Moon             27 10  FULL MOON
13 17  Uranus at conjunction          27 20  Moon at perigee
14 22  Moon at apogee                 

 d  h                                  d  h
 1 16  Jupiter stationary             20 10  Saturn 0.4S of Moon     Occn
 5 16  Antares 5.8S of Moon           20 11  Aldebaran 4.4S of Moon
 6  2  LAST QUARTER                   20 20  Equinox
 9 10  Mercury 1.2S of Uranus         21  7  Pluto stationary
10 12  Neptune 3.8N of Moon           22  3  FIRST QUARTER
11 20  Uranus 3.8N of Moon            22 12  Jupiter 1.2S of Moon    Occn
12  4  Mercury 2.6N of Moon           23 18  Pollux 4.0N of Moon
13 23  Moon at apogee                 24 12  Saturn 4.0N of Aldebaran 
14  3  NEW MOON                       26  7  Regulus 4.2S of Moon
15 11  Venus 3.7N of Moon             28  6  Moon at perigee
18  4  Mars 3.7N of Moon              28 19  FULL MOON

 d  h                                  d  h
 2  0  Antares 5.6S of Moon           16 17  Aldebaran 4.6S of Moon
 4 16  LAST QUARTER                   16 21  Saturn 0.7S of Moon     Occn
 6 19  Neptune 4.0N of Moon           18 24  Jupiter 1.6S of Moon
 7  9  Mercury superior conjunction   20  1  Pollux 3.8N of Moon
 8  5  Uranus 4.0N of Moon            20 13  FIRST QUARTER
10  4  Moon at apogee                 22 16  Regulus 4.4S of Moon
12 20  NEW MOON                       25 15  Moon at perigee
13 11  Mercury 4.0N of Moon           27  3  FULL MOON
14 20  Venus 2.8N of Moon             29 10  Antares 5.4S of Moon
16  1  Mars 2.3N of Moon              

 d  h                                  d  h
 4  2  Neptune 4.2N of Moon           14 19  Mars 0.7N of Moon       Occn
 4  3  Mercury greatest elong E(21)   14 24  Venus 0.9N of Moon      Occn
 4  7  Mars 2.2N of Saturn            16  7  Mercury stationary
 4  8  LAST QUARTER                   16 13  Jupiter 2.0S of Moon
 5 13  Uranus 4.2N of Moon            17  6  Pollux 3.7N of Moon
 7 13  Venus 2.4N of Saturn           19 20  FIRST QUARTER
 7 20  Moon at apogee                 19 22  Regulus 4.5S of Moon
10 20  Venus 0.3N of Mars             23 15  Moon at perigee
12 11  NEW MOON                       26 13  FULL MOON            Eclipse
13 14  Neptune stationary             26 21  Antares 5.3S of Moon
13 22  Aldebaran 4.7S of Moon         27  8  Mercury inferior conjunction
13 22  Mercury 2.5N of Moon           31 11  Neptune 4.3N of Moon
14  8  Saturn 1.0S of Moon     Occn   

 d  h                                  d  h
 1 22  Uranus 4.2N of Moon            13  5  Jupiter 2.4S of Moon
 3  1  LAST QUARTER                   13 12  Pollux 3.7N of Moon
 3  7  Uranus stationary              13 22  Venus 1.5S of Moon
 3 24  Venus 1.6N of Jupiter          16  4  Regulus 4.5S of Moon
 4 14  Moon at apogee                 18  1  FIRST QUARTER
 7  5  Pluto at opposition            19  9  Moon at perigee
 8 11  Mercury stationary             21 14  Solstice
 9  3  Venus 4.7S of Pollux           21 16  Mercury greatest elong W(23)
 9 12  Saturn at conjunction          23  5  Antares 5.3S of Moon
 9 14  Mercury 2.6S of Moon           23 18  Mercury 2.4N of Aldebaran 
10  5  Aldebaran 4.7S of Moon         24 22  FULL MOON            Eclipse
10 22  Saturn 1.4S of Moon            27 19  Neptune 4.2N of Moon
11  0  NEW MOON             Eclipse   29  6  Uranus 4.2N of Moon
12 12  Mars 0.9S of Moon       Occn   

 d  h                                  d  h
 2  8  Moon at apogee                 13 10  Regulus 4.4S of Moon
 2 10  Mercury 0.2S of Saturn         13 15  Venus 3.6S of Moon
 2 18  LAST QUARTER                   14 12  Moon at perigee
 3  4  Mars 5.6S of Pollux            17  5  FIRST QUARTER
 3 14  Mars 0.8N of Jupiter           18 19  Mercury 5.3S of Pollux 
 5  4  Earth at aphelion              20  2  Jupiter at conjunction
 7 14  Aldebaran 4.8S of Moon         20 12  Antares 5.2S of Moon
 8 13  Saturn 1.7S of Moon            20 17  Mercury 1.2N of Jupiter 
 9 10  Mercury 1.5S of Moon           21  3  Mercury superior conjunction
10 11  NEW MOON                       24 10  FULL MOON
10 19  Venus 1.0N of Regulus          25  2  Neptune 4.2N of Moon
10 20  Pollux 3.7N of Moon            25 17  Mercury 0.6N of Mars 
10 23  Jupiter 2.9S of Moon           26 13  Uranus 4.0N of Moon
11  5  Mars 2.3S of Moon              30  1  Moon at apogee

 d  h                                  d  h
 1 11  LAST QUARTER                   15 11  FIRST QUARTER
 2  1  Neptune at opposition          16 17  Antares 5.1S of Moon
 3 23  Aldebaran 4.9S of Moon         20  1  Uranus at opposition
 5  4  Saturn 2.1S of Moon            21  7  Neptune 4.1N of Moon
 6  9  Mercury 0.8N of Regulus        22 12  Venus greatest elong E(46)
 7  5  Pollux 3.6N of Moon            22 17  Uranus 4.0N of Moon
 7 19  Jupiter 3.3S of Moon           22 23  FULL MOON
 8 20  NEW MOON                       26 18  Moon at apogee
 8 21  Mars 3.3S of Moon              27 20  Pluto stationary
 9 18  Regulus 4.4S of Moon           29 10  Mars 0.7N of Regulus 
10  5  Mercury 4.1S of Moon           31  3  LAST QUARTER
10 23  Mars at conjunction            31  8  Aldebaran 5.1S of Moon
11  1  Moon at perigee                31 22  Venus 0.8S of Spica 
12  3  Venus 5.5S of Moon             

 d  h                                  d  h
 1  7  Mercury greatest elong E(27)   14 11  Mercury stationary
 1 18  Saturn 2.5S of Moon            17 12  Neptune 4.3N of Moon
 3 16  Pollux 3.4N of Moon            18 21  Uranus 4.1N of Moon
 4 15  Jupiter 3.7S of Moon           21 14  FULL MOON
 6  5  Regulus 4.4S of Moon           23  5  Equinox
 6 13  Mars 3.8S of Moon              23  6  Moon at apogee
 7  4  NEW MOON                       27 14  Aldebaran 5.3S of Moon
 8  6  Moon at perigee                27 20  Mercury inferior conjunction
 9 19  Spica 5.9S of Moon             29  4  Saturn 2.9S of Moon
12 23  Antares 4.9S of Moon           29 18  LAST QUARTER
13 18  FIRST QUARTER                  

 d  h                                  d  h
 1  1  Pollux 3.2N of Moon            14 17  Neptune 4.5N of Moon
 2 10  Jupiter 4.0S of Moon           16  2  Uranus 4.2N of Moon
 3 15  Regulus 4.5S of Moon           20  9  Moon at apogee
 5  5  Mars 3.8S of Moon              20 11  Neptune stationary
 5 14  Mercury 4.9S of Moon           21  8  FULL MOON
 6  2  Mercury stationary             24 20  Aldebaran 5.5S of Moon
 6 12  NEW MOON                       26  9  Saturn 3.0S of Moon
 6 16  Moon at perigee                28  7  Mercury 3.7N of Spica 
 7  5  Spica 5.7S of Moon             28  7  Pollux 3.1N of Moon
10  8  Antares 4.7S of Moon           29  6  LAST QUARTER
10  9  Venus stationary               30  1  Jupiter 4.3S of Moon
11 14  Saturn stationary              31  0  Regulus 4.7S of Moon
13  6  FIRST QUARTER                  31 13  Venus inferior conjunction
13 12  Mercury greatest elong W(18)   

 d  h                                  d  h
 2 21  Mars 3.3S of Moon              16 13  Moon at apogee
 3 16  Spica 5.7S of Moon             19  4  Venus stationary
 4  2  Moon at perigee                20  2  FULL MOON            Eclipse
 4  8  Mercury 5.8N of Venus          21  2  Aldebaran 5.5S of Moon
 4 11  Mercury 1.9S of Moon           22  2  Mars 3.0N of Spica 
 4 12  Uranus stationary              22 13  Saturn 3.0S of Moon
 4 21  NEW MOON                       24 13  Pollux 3.0N of Moon
 6 18  Antares 4.6S of Moon           25 19  Mercury 3.3N of Antares 
11  1  Neptune 4.6N of Moon           26 10  Jupiter 4.3S of Moon
11 22  FIRST QUARTER                  27  7  Regulus 4.7S of Moon
12  8  Uranus 4.4N of Moon            27 16  LAST QUARTER
14  6  Mercury superior conjunction   

 d  h                                  d  h
 1  2  Spica 5.7S of Moon             18 10  Aldebaran 5.6S of Moon
 1 12  Mars 2.3S of Moon              19 16  Saturn 2.8S of Moon
 1 15  Venus 1.8S of Moon             19 20  FULL MOON
 2  9  Moon at perigee                21 19  Pollux 3.0N of Moon
 4  4  Antares 4.5S of Moon           22  2  Solstice
 4  8  NEW MOON             Eclipse   23 15  Jupiter 4.1S of Moon
 4 22  Jupiter stationary             24 12  Regulus 4.7S of Moon
 5  5  Mercury 0.7S of Moon    Occn   25 23  Mercury greatest elong E(20)
 8 11  Neptune 4.6N of Moon           27  1  LAST QUARTER
 9 17  Pluto at conjunction           28  9  Spica 5.7S of Moon
 9 18  Uranus 4.4N of Moon            30  2  Mars 1.0S of Moon       Occn
11 16  FIRST QUARTER                  30  3  Moon at perigee
14  5  Moon at apogee                 30  8  Venus 2.1N of Moon
17 18  Saturn at opposition           31 14  Antares 4.4S of Moon


Mutual conjunctions of the Planets for 2002
[Minimum separation less than 1 degree]

  Yr Mth Dy   Hr   Sep  Elon   Planets
2002 Feb 07 14.7  42.9    6e   Venus     Uranus 
2002 Feb 24 14.1  29.3   27w   Mercury   Neptune
2002 May 10 19.7  17.7   28e   Venus     Mars   
2002 Jul 02 11.7  13.5   19w   Mercury   Saturn 
2002 Jul 03 11.2  48.6   12e   Mars      Jupiter
2002 Jul 25 14.7  38.6    5e   Mercury   Mars   


Local time of Rise and Set in 2002

 Date        Sun        Mercury       Venus         Mars       Jupiter       Saturn
          Rise  Set    Rise  Set    Rise  Set    Rise  Set    Rise  Set    Rise  Set  
Ene  1    5.36 20.05   6.45 21.10   5.22 19.52  10.59 23.39  19.54  5.45  17.30  3.40  
Ene 11    5.45 20.05   7.17 21.14   5.40 20.04  10.55 23.18  19.09  4.59  16.48  2.59  
Ene 21    5.55 20.03   7.04 20.37   6.01 20.11  10.50 22.56  18.25  4.14  16.06  2.17  
Ene 31    6.05 19.57   5.39 19.17   6.23 20.13  10.46 22.35  17.41  3.30  15.30  1.41  
Feb 10    6.15 19.48   4.32 18.26   6.46 20.11  10.41 22.14  16.58  2.47  14.50  1.01  

Feb 20    6.25 19.38   4.17 18.14   7.07 20.06  10.36 21.53  16.17  2.05  14.11  0.22  
Mar  2    6.34 19.25   4.30 18.17   7.28 19.59  10.31 21.32  15.41  1.29  13.33 23.43  
Mar 12    6.43 19.12   4.59 18.23   7.48 19.51  10.26 21.12  15.02  0.50  12.56 23.05  
Mar 22    6.51 18.58   5.38 18.28   8.08 19.43  10.21 20.54  14.24  0.12  12.20 22.28  
Abr  1    6.59 18.44   6.27 18.33   8.29 19.35  10.16 20.36  13.48 23.37  11.44 21.51  

Abr 11    7.06 18.31   7.27 18.42   8.50 19.30  10.10 20.19  13.13 23.02  11.09 21.15  
Abr 21    7.14 18.18   8.29 18.54   9.11 19.27  10.04 20.03  12.39 22.28  10.34 20.40  
May  1    7.22 18.07   9.09 19.01   9.32 19.29   9.57 19.49  12.06 21.55  10.00 20.04  
May 11    7.30 17.58   9.09 18.53   9.51 19.35   9.50 19.35  11.33 21.24   9.26 19.29  
May 21    7.37 17.50   8.23 18.22  10.08 19.45   9.41 19.23  11.01 20.53   8.53 18.55  

May 31    7.44 17.46   7.12 17.35  10.20 19.59   9.31 19.12  10.29 20.22   8.19 18.20  
Jun 10    7.50 17.44   6.18 16.52  10.27 20.16   9.20 19.02   9.57 19.52   7.46 17.46  
Jun 20    7.53 17.44   6.02 16.27  10.28 20.35   9.07 18.53   9.26 19.23   7.12 17.11  
Jun 30    7.55 17.47   6.20 16.25  10.25 20.53   8.52 18.45   8.55 18.54   6.38 16.37  
Jul 10    7.53 17.52   7.03 16.52  10.17 21.10   8.37 18.36   8.23 18.25   6.04 16.03  

Jul 20    7.49 17.58   7.52 17.47  10.06 21.25   8.19 18.28   7.52 17.56   5.30 15.28  
Jul 30    7.43 18.05   8.22 18.48   9.53 21.39   8.01 18.20   7.20 17.27   4.56 14.53  
Ago  9    7.34 18.12   8.32 19.38   9.37 21.51   7.42 18.12   6.49 16.59   4.21 14.18  
Ago 19    7.23 18.20   8.28 20.14   9.20 22.01   7.21 18.04   6.16 16.30   3.45 13.42  
Ago 29    7.10 18.27   8.14 20.37   9.01 22.08   6.60 17.56   5.44 16.00   3.09 13.06  

Sep  8    6.56 18.34   7.51 20.40   8.40 22.13   6.38 17.47   5.11 15.31   2.33 12.29  
Sep 18    6.42 18.41   7.13 20.09   8.16 22.12   6.15 17.38   4.38 15.01   1.55 11.52  
Sep 28    6.28 18.48   6.17 18.47   7.47 22.02   5.53 17.30   4.04 14.30   1.17 11.14  
Oct  8    6.14 18.56   5.36 17.37   7.12 21.38   5.29 17.21   3.30 13.58   0.38 10.35  
Oct 18    6.01 19.04   5.26 17.40   6.29 20.54   5.06 17.12   2.55 13.26  23.59  9.56  

Oct 28    5.49 19.13   5.27 18.17   5.39 19.50   4.43 17.03   2.20 12.52  23.18  9.15  
Nov  7    5.39 19.23   5.30 18.59   4.52 18.37   4.20 16.54   1.43 12.17  22.37  8.34  
Nov 17    5.32 19.33   5.37 19.40   4.13 17.36   3.57 16.45   1.06 11.41  21.55  7.52  
Nov 27    5.27 19.42   5.50 20.19   3.43 16.55   3.35 16.37   0.28 11.04  21.12  7.10  
Dic  7    5.26 19.51   6.11 20.54   3.21 16.32   3.13 16.28  23.49 10.24  20.30  6.27  

Dic 17    5.28 19.59   6.40 21.20   3.04 16.22   2.52 16.20  23.09  9.44  19.47  5.44  
Dic 27    5.33 20.04   7.04 21.25   2.52 16.20   2.32 16.12  22.28  9.01  19.03  5.01  
Ene  6    5.40 20.06   6.43 20.44   2.44 16.25   2.13 16.04  21.45  8.17  18.20  4.18  


                         Local Time of MOONRISE 2002

Date  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   dRA   Oct   Nov   Dec
  1  22.17 22.44 21.14 21.39 21.59 23.40 .....  0.54  2.38  3.17  3.56  3.32
  2  22.60 23.17 21.48 22.25 22.57 .....  0.18  1.51  3.41  4.06  4.29  4.07
  3  23.37 23.51 22.24 23.16 23.56  0.37  1.13  2.50  4.37  4.48  5.02  4.46
  4  ..... ..... 23.03 ..... .....  1.33  2.09  3.54  5.29  5.26  5.37  5.32
  5   0.11  0.26 23.45  0.10  0.54  2.30  3.08  4.56  6.15  6.01  6.15  6.24

  6   0.44  1.04 .....  1.07  1.53  3.26  4.07  5.56  6.56  6.35  6.58  7.23
  7   1.16  1.49  0.32  2.07  2.49  4.22  5.08  6.51  7.33  7.09  7.47  8.26
  8   1.50  2.36  1.24  3.04  3.44  5.20  6.11  7.41  8.07  7.45  8.41  9.29
  9   2.26  3.29  2.19  4.00  4.39  6.21  7.12  8.25  8.41  8.25  9.41 10.31
 10   3.06  4.24  3.15  4.55  5.35  7.23  8.11  9.03  9.15  9.10 10.42 11.31

 11   3.51  5.22  4.13  5.50  6.32  8.25  9.03  9.38  9.52  9.60 11.44 12.29
 12   4.41  6.19  5.09  6.45  7.30  9.24  9.49 10.11 10.32 10.55 12.44 13.25
 13   5.36  7.16  6.06  7.41  8.31 10.19 10.30 10.44 11.17 11.53 13.42 14.20
 14   6.33  8.12  7.01  8.38  9.32 11.09 11.05 11.18 12.08 12.54 14.38 15.15
 15   7.31  9.07  7.56  9.37 10.33 11.51 11.38 11.54 13.03 13.53 15.33 16.11

 16   8.28 10.02  8.51 10.37 11.30 12.29 12.10 12.35 14.01 14.52 16.28 17.08
 17   9.24 10.57  9.47 11.38 12.22 13.03 12.42 13.21 15.01 15.49 17.24 18.07
 18  10.20 11.53 10.44 12.37 13.09 13.35 13.16 14.12 16.00 16.45 18.20 19.08
 19  11.14 12.51 11.43 13.33 13.50 14.07 13.53 15.08 16.58 17.40 19.18 20.07
 20  12.09 13.51 12.43 14.24 14.27 14.39 14.35 16.07 17.55 18.35 20.18 21.04

 21  13.05 14.53 13.44 15.10 15.00 15.15 15.23 17.07 18.50 19.31 21.17 21.56
 22  14.03 15.55 14.43 15.50 15.33 15.54 16.17 18.06 19.45 20.27 22.15 22.42
 23  15.03 16.56 15.39 16.27 16.06 16.40 17.15 19.04 20.40 21.25 23.10 23.22
 24  16.06 17.51 16.30 17.01 16.40 17.31 18.15 20.01 21.36 22.24 23.59 23.58
 25  17.10 18.41 17.15 17.35 17.19 18.27 19.16 20.56 22.32 23.23 ..... .....

 26  18.13 19.25 17.55 18.10 18.02 19.27 20.15 21.50 23.31 .....  0.42  0.30
 27  19.13 20.04 18.32 18.47 18.50 20.27 21.12 22.45 .....  0.19  1.21  1.01
 28  20.06 20.40 19.07 19.28 19.44 21.27 22.08 23.41  0.29  1.12  1.55  1.31
 29  20.53 ..... 19.42 20.14 20.42 22.26 23.03 .....  1.28  2.00  2.27  2.05
 30  21.34 ..... 20.18 21.04 21.42 23.22 23.58  0.39  2.25  2.43  2.60  2.41

 31  22.10 ..... 20.56 ..... 22.42 ..... .....  1.38 .....  3.22 ..... 21.28

    .....  No phenomena occurs on this date
    -----  Moon continuously below the horizon
    *****  Moon continuously above the horizon

                         Local Time of MOONSET 2002

Date  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   dRA   Oct   Nov   Dec
  1   7.38 10.03  8.53 11.11 12.04 12.54 12.21 12.08 12.33 13.13 15.36 16.48
  2   8.49 11.12 10.03 12.17 12.57 13.25 12.47 12.39 13.28 14.25 16.47 18.01
  3   9.60 12.19 11.13 13.19 13.43 13.54 13.13 13.14 14.29 15.36 17.59 19.14
  4  11.09 13.25 12.20 14.14 14.21 14.20 13.40 13.57 15.37 16.48 19.13 20.26
  5  12.16 14.30 13.26 15.03 14.55 14.46 14.10 14.47 16.49 18.00 20.27 21.32

  6  13.22 15.33 14.28 15.44 15.25 15.13 14.43 15.46 18.02 19.13 21.40 22.30
  7  14.27 16.36 15.26 16.21 15.52 15.40 15.22 16.52 19.15 20.26 22.48 23.19
  8  15.35 17.31 16.19 16.53 16.18 16.11 16.08 18.02 20.27 21.40 23.49 .....
  9  16.39 18.21 17.05 17.21 16.43 16.47 17.02 19.14 21.38 22.52 .....  0.00
 10  17.42 19.05 17.44 17.48 17.10 17.29 18.04 20.26 22.49 .....  0.42  0.35

 11  18.41 19.43 18.18 18.14 17.39 18.18 19.11 21.36 23.60  0.01  1.26  1.04
 12  19.36 20.16 18.49 18.40 18.12 19.14 20.21 22.46 .....  1.04  2.03  1.31
 13  20.24 20.46 19.17 19.07 18.49 20.17 21.31 23.54  1.08  1.60  2.35  1.56
 14  21.07 21.14 19.44 19.37 19.33 21.24 22.40 .....  2.13  2.47  3.03  2.21
 15  21.43 21.41 20.10 20.11 20.23 22.32 23.48  1.02  3.11  3.28  3.28  2.47

 16  22.16 22.07 20.37 20.50 21.21 23.40 .....  2.10  4.03  4.02  3.53  3.14
 17  22.45 22.34 21.05 21.35 22.24 .....  0.55  3.16  4.48  4.32  4.18  3.45
 18  23.12 23.03 21.36 22.27 23.30  0.47  2.02  4.18  5.26  4.59  4.45  4.21
 19  23.39 23.36 22.11 23.27 .....  1.54  3.09  5.14  5.59  5.24  5.14  5.03
 20  ..... ..... 22.51 .....  0.39  3.01  4.16  6.04  6.28  5.50  5.46  5.52

 21   0.05  0.13 23.39  0.32  1.47  4.09  5.21  6.47  6.55  6.15  6.24  6.48
 22   0.33  0.58 .....  1.41  2.56  5.18  6.23  7.24  7.20  6.42  7.08  7.50
 23   1.04  1.51  0.35  2.51  4.05  6.26  7.18  7.56  7.45  7.12  7.59  8.56
 24   1.39  2.52  1.39  4.02  5.14  7.32  8.06  8.24  8.11  7.46  8.56 10.03
 25   2.21  4.01  2.48  5.13  6.25  8.32  8.48  8.51  8.39  8.25  9.58 11.10

 26   3.11  5.14  4.01  6.25  7.35  9.26  9.23  9.16  9.10  9.11 11.03 12.16
 27   4.09  6.28  5.14  7.36  8.44 10.12  9.54  9.42  9.45 10.03 12.10 13.23
 28   5.16  7.41  6.27  8.48  9.48 10.51 10.22 10.09 10.26 11.02 13.18 14.30
 29   6.27 .....  7.39  9.58 10.46 11.24 10.48 10.37 11.15 12.06 14.25 15.43
 30   7.41 .....  8.51 11.04 11.36 11.54 11.14 11.10 12.10 13.13 15.38 16.54

 31   8.53 ..... 10.02 ..... 12.18 ..... 11.40 11.48 ..... 14.26 ..... .....

    .....  No phenomena occurs on this date
    -----  Moon continuously below the horizon
    *****  Moon continuously above the horizon

                  Phases of the Moon 2002

  New Moon    First Quarter      Full Moon     Last Quarter
      d  h            d  h            d  h            d  h      
                                                Jan   6  4
Jan  13 13      Jan  21 17      Jan  28 23      Feb   4 14
Feb  12  8      Feb  20 12      Feb  27  9      Mar   6  2
Mar  14  2      Mar  22  2      Mar  28 18      Apr   4 16
Apr  12 20      Apr  20 13      Apr  27  3      May   4  7
May  12 11      May  19 20      May  26 12      Jun   3  0
Jun  10 24      Jun  18  1      Jun  24 22      Jul   2 17
Jul  10 10      Jul  17  5      Jul  24  9      Aug   1 10
Aug   8 19      Aug  15 10      Aug  22 22      Aug  31  3
Sep   7  3      Sep  13 18      Sep  21 14      Sep  29 17
Oct   6 12      Oct  13  6      Oct  21  7      Oct  29  5
Nov   4 21      Nov  11 21      Nov  20  2      Nov  27 16
Dec   4  8      Dec  11 16      Dec  19 19      Dec  27  1

                    Moon at Perigee 2002

      d  h           d  h           d  h           d  h
Jan   2  8     Apr  25 14     Aug  11  1     Dec   2  9
Jan  30  9     May  23 15     Sep   8  5     Dec  30  2
Feb  27 19     Jun  19  9     Oct   6 15     
Mar  28  6     Jul  14 11     Nov   4  1     

                    Moon at Apogee 2002

      d  h           d  h           d  h           d  h
Jan  18  9     May   7 20     Aug  26 17     Dec  14  5
Feb  14 21     Jun   4 14     Sep  23  6     
Mar  13 22     Jul   2  7     Oct  20  8     
Apr  10  4     Jul  30  0     Nov  16 13     


                    Physical Ephemeris for the Moon 2002

 Date    l    b   Axis  Coln  Lat %ill  Date    l    b   Axis  Coln  Lat %ill 
         o    o     o     o    o                o    o     o     o    o       
Jan  1 -2.8 -3.8  14.1 113.2 -0.4  97  Apr  3  7.6  0.3   1.3 152.7 -1.4  67  
     3  0.0 -6.0  21.7 137.5 -0.4  84       5  6.8  3.2 350.4 177.1 -1.4  46  
     5  2.7 -6.8  23.5 161.8 -0.5  63       7  4.8  5.3 342.0 201.5 -1.4  28  
     7  4.6 -5.9  20.0 186.1 -0.5  41       9  2.3  6.4 337.5 225.9 -1.4  13  
     9  5.4 -3.6  12.6 210.4 -0.6  21      11 -0.3  6.4 336.8 250.3 -1.3   3  

    11  5.3 -0.7   2.4 234.8 -0.6   7      13 -2.7  5.4 339.6 274.8 -1.3   0  
    13  4.4  2.3 351.6 259.2 -0.7   0      15 -4.8  3.4 345.7 299.2 -1.3   4  
    15  2.7  4.7 342.7 283.5 -0.7   2      17 -6.4  0.7 354.7 323.6 -1.2  16  
    17  0.5  6.2 337.6 307.9 -0.8  11      19 -7.1 -2.3   5.7 348.1 -1.2  34  
    19 -2.0  6.7 336.6 332.3 -0.8  25      21 -6.5 -4.9  15.9  12.5 -1.2  55  

    21 -4.4  6.1 339.1 356.6 -0.9  43      23 -4.3 -6.5  22.3  36.9 -1.1  77  
    23 -6.3  4.2 345.0  20.9 -0.9  62      25 -0.9 -6.4  23.0  61.2 -1.1  93  
    25 -7.0  1.5 354.3  45.2 -1.0  81      27  2.8 -4.7  18.3  85.5 -1.1 100  
    27 -5.9 -1.7   6.0  69.5 -1.0  95      29  5.7 -1.8   9.2 109.9 -1.0  95  
    29 -3.1 -4.6  16.9  93.7 -1.1 100  May  1  6.8  1.5 357.8 134.3 -1.0  81  

    31  0.5 -6.4  22.9 118.0 -1.1  94       3  6.3  4.2 347.2 158.6 -0.9  63  
Feb  2  3.9 -6.5  22.7 142.3 -1.1  78       5  4.5  6.0 339.9 183.1 -0.9  43  
     4  6.1 -5.0  17.6 166.6 -1.2  56       7  2.1  6.7 336.8 207.5 -0.8  25  
     6  6.7 -2.4   8.9 190.9 -1.2  35       9 -0.5  6.2 337.5 231.9 -0.8  11  
     8  6.0  0.6 358.3 215.2 -1.3  17      11 -2.8  4.7 341.5 256.4 -0.8   2  

    10  4.4  3.4 348.0 239.6 -1.3   5      13 -4.5  2.3 348.8 280.9 -0.7   0  
    12  2.3  5.4 340.5 264.0 -1.3   0      15 -5.6 -0.6 358.8 305.4 -0.7   7  
    14  0.0  6.4 336.9 288.4 -1.3   3      17 -5.8 -3.6   9.9 329.8 -0.6  21  
    16 -2.5  6.5 337.1 312.8 -1.4  12      19 -5.0 -5.8  18.9 354.3 -0.6  41  
    18 -4.9  5.4 340.8 337.1 -1.4  26      21 -3.1 -6.8  23.1  18.7 -0.5  63  

    20 -6.9  3.2 347.8   1.5 -1.4  45      23 -0.4 -6.0  22.0  43.1 -0.5  84  
    22 -7.8  0.3 357.7  25.8 -1.4  65      25  2.5 -3.8  16.0  67.5 -0.4  97  
    24 -6.8 -2.8   9.3  50.1 -1.5  84      27  4.7 -0.7   6.0  91.9 -0.3 100  
    26 -3.9 -5.3  19.1  74.4 -1.5  97      29  5.7  2.5 354.4 116.2 -0.3  92  
    28  0.2 -6.5  23.4  98.7 -1.5  99      31  5.2  5.0 344.5 140.6 -0.2  78  

Mar  2  4.2 -6.0  21.5 123.0 -1.5  90  Jun  2  3.6  6.5 338.5 165.0 -0.2  60  
     4  6.8 -3.9  14.9 147.3 -1.5  72       4  1.3  6.8 336.7 189.5 -0.1  41  
     6  7.5 -1.0   5.1 171.6 -1.5  51       6 -1.1  5.9 338.5 213.9 -0.1  23  
     8  6.6  2.0 354.2 196.0 -1.5  31       8 -3.2  4.0 343.7 238.4  0.0   9  
    10  4.6  4.4 344.8 220.3 -1.5  15      10 -4.6  1.3 352.0 262.9  0.0   1  

    12  2.3  6.0 338.7 244.7 -1.5   4      12 -5.0 -1.8   2.9 287.4  0.1   1  
    14 -0.2  6.5 336.6 269.1 -1.5   0      14 -4.4 -4.6  13.8 311.9  0.1  10  
    16 -2.7  6.0 338.1 293.5 -1.5   3      16 -2.9 -6.4  21.2 336.4  0.2  28  
    18 -5.0  4.4 343.0 318.0 -1.5  13      18 -1.0 -6.7  23.3   0.8  0.2  50  
    20 -6.9  2.0 351.0 342.3 -1.5  29      20  1.2 -5.4  20.3  25.3  0.3  72  

    22 -7.9 -1.0   1.5   6.7 -1.5  49      22  3.1 -2.8  13.0  49.7  0.3  90  
    24 -7.2 -3.9  12.7  31.1 -1.5  70      24  4.4  0.4   2.4  74.1  0.4  99  
    26 -4.5 -6.0  20.9  55.4 -1.5  89      26  4.8  3.4 351.0  98.5  0.5  99  
    28 -0.5 -6.5  23.4  79.7 -1.5  99      28  4.2  5.6 342.2 122.9  0.5  90  
    30  3.6 -5.4  20.1 104.0 -1.5  98      30  2.5  6.7 337.5 147.3  0.6  75  
Apr  1  6.6 -2.8  12.1 128.3 -1.4  85  Jul  2  0.3  6.6 336.9 171.7  0.6  57  

                    Physical Ephemeris for the Moon 2002

 Date    l    b   Axis  Coln  Lat %ill  Date    l    b   Axis  Coln  Lat %ill 
         o    o     o     o    o                o    o     o     o    o       
Jul  1  1.5  6.8 336.7 159.5  0.6  66  Oct  1 -7.8 -4.5  11.1 203.0  1.4  37  
     3 -0.9  6.1 338.0 183.9  0.6  47       3 -6.4 -6.2  19.6 227.4  1.4  17  
     5 -3.2  4.3 342.6 208.4  0.7  29       5 -3.1 -6.5  23.1 251.9  1.3   3  
     7 -4.9  1.7 350.4 232.9  0.7  13       7  1.1 -5.1  20.9 276.3  1.3   0  
     9 -5.4 -1.3   0.9 257.4  0.8   2       9  4.9 -2.3  13.7 300.8  1.3   9  

    11 -4.5 -4.2  12.2 281.9  0.8   0      11  7.2  1.0   2.9 325.2  1.2  27  
    13 -2.4 -6.2  20.4 306.4  0.9   9      13  7.7  4.0 351.5 349.6  1.2  48  
    15  0.1 -6.7  23.3 330.9  0.9  26      15  6.7  5.9 342.6  13.9  1.2  68  
    17  2.4 -5.5  20.9 355.3  0.9  48      17  4.9  6.7 337.8  38.3  1.1  84  
    19  4.0 -3.1  14.1  19.8  1.0  70      19  2.5  6.2 337.0  62.6  1.1  95  

    21  4.8  0.0   4.1  44.2  1.0  88      21 -0.1  4.8 339.7  86.9  1.1 100  
    23  4.9  3.0 352.8  68.6  1.1  98      23 -2.7  2.5 345.4 111.2  1.0  97  
    25  4.2  5.3 343.4  92.9  1.1 100      25 -5.0 -0.2 353.9 135.6  1.0  88  
    27  2.7  6.5 338.0 117.3  1.1  93      27 -6.8 -3.1   4.3 159.9  0.9  72  
    29  0.6  6.5 336.8 141.7  1.2  81      29 -7.3 -5.4  14.5 184.2  0.9  52  

    31 -1.9  5.4 339.2 166.1  1.2  64      31 -6.2 -6.7  21.3 208.6  0.8  31  
Aug  2 -4.4  3.4 344.7 190.6  1.3  45  Nov  2 -3.4 -6.3  23.0 233.0  0.8  12  
     4 -6.1  0.6 353.3 215.0  1.3  26       4  0.4 -4.3  19.4 257.4  0.7   1  
     6 -6.3 -2.4   4.4 239.5  1.3  10       6  4.1 -1.2  10.9 281.8  0.7   2  
     8 -4.9 -5.0  15.2 264.0  1.3   1       8  6.6  2.1 359.3 306.2  0.6  13  

    10 -2.0 -6.4  21.9 288.5  1.4   2      10  7.4  4.9 348.1 330.6  0.6  31  
    12  1.4 -6.3  22.9 313.0  1.4  14      12  6.5  6.5 340.4 354.9  0.5  51  
    14  4.2 -4.5  18.7 337.5  1.4  34      14  4.6  6.8 337.1  19.3  0.5  70  
    16  5.8 -1.7  10.5   1.9  1.4  57      16  2.2  5.9 337.6  43.6  0.4  86  
    18  6.1  1.4 359.7  26.3  1.4  77      18 -0.4  4.0 341.4  67.9  0.4  96  

    20  5.6  4.1 348.9  50.7  1.5  92      20 -2.8  1.4 348.2  92.2  0.3 100  
    22  4.3  5.9 341.0  75.1  1.5  99      22 -4.8 -1.4 357.7 116.4  0.3  96  
    24  2.5  6.5 337.2  99.4  1.5  99      24 -5.9 -4.1   8.4 140.7  0.2  85  
    26  0.1  6.1 337.3 123.8  1.5  91      26 -6.1 -6.1  17.5 165.0  0.1  68  
    28 -2.6  4.6 340.8 148.2  1.5  78      28 -5.0 -6.8  22.5 189.3  0.1  46  

    30 -5.1  2.3 347.3 172.6  1.5  61      30 -2.8 -5.9  22.4 213.7  0.0  24  
Sep  1 -7.0 -0.6 356.6 197.0  1.5  41  Dec  2  0.2 -3.5  17.4 238.1  0.0   7  
     3 -7.3 -3.4   7.7 221.4  1.5  22       4  3.3 -0.2   7.9 262.5 -0.1   0  
     5 -5.7 -5.7  17.6 245.9  1.5   7       6  5.6  3.1 355.9 286.8 -0.1   4  
     7 -2.4 -6.5  22.8 270.4  1.5   0       8  6.5  5.5 345.3 311.2 -0.2  16  

     9  1.7 -5.7  22.1 294.9  1.5   5      10  5.9  6.7 338.9 335.6 -0.3  34  
    11  5.1 -3.4  16.2 319.3  1.5  21      12  4.0  6.6 336.9 359.9 -0.3  53  
    13  7.0 -0.3   6.6 343.7  1.5  42      14  1.5  5.3 338.6  24.2 -0.4  71  
    15  7.2  2.8 355.4   8.1  1.5  63      16 -1.2  3.1 343.4  48.5 -0.4  87  
    17  6.3  5.1 345.4  32.5  1.5  81      18 -3.4  0.4 351.2  72.8 -0.5  97  

    19  4.7  6.4 339.1  56.9  1.5  94      20 -4.8 -2.5   1.5  97.0 -0.5 100  
    21  2.5  6.4 336.8  81.2  1.5 100      22 -5.2 -5.0  12.2 121.3 -0.6  95  
    23  0.0  5.5 338.3 105.6  1.5  98      24 -4.6 -6.5  20.0 145.6 -0.6  81  
    25 -2.7  3.6 342.9 129.9  1.4  90      26 -3.2 -6.6  23.0 169.9 -0.7  62  
    27 -5.3  1.0 350.4 154.3  1.4  76      28 -1.4 -5.1  21.1 194.2 -0.7  39  
Sep 29 -7.2 -1.8   0.3 178.6  1.4  57  Dec 30  0.9 -2.3  14.7 218.5 -0.8  18  


Ephemeris of Sun in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "
Ene  1   18 45 10.7  -23  1 58 1955.0
Ene 11   19 29  0.4  -21 51 49 1954.7
Ene 21   20 11 53.7  -19 59 14 1953.4
Ene 31   20 53 31.0  -17 29 25 1951.3
Feb 10   21 33 48.1  -14 28 37 1948.1

Feb 20   22 12 48.7  -11  3 35 1944.3
Mar  2   22 50 42.1  - 7 21 23 1939.8
Mar 12   23 27 46.8  - 3 28 36 1934.7
Mar 22    0  4 21.8    0 28 22 1929.4
Abr  1    0 40 45.7    4 23 11 1924.0

Abr 11    1 17 20.3    8 10  7 1918.4
Abr 21    1 54 23.3   11 43 25 1913.1
May  1    2 32  7.8   14 57 20 1908.1
May 11    3 10 46.1   17 46 38 1903.5
May 21    3 50 21.5   20  6 14 1899.5

May 31    4 30 48.6   21 51 26 1896.2
Jun 10    5 11 58.1   22 58 49 1893.5
Jun 20    5 53 30.9   23 25 52 1891.9
Jun 30    6 35  3.0   23 11 41 1891.0
Jul 10    7 16 13.8   22 17  1 1890.9

Jul 20    7 56 42.9   20 44  1 1891.8
Jul 30    8 36 16.0   18 36 15 1893.6
Ago  9    9 14 50.3   15 57 57 1896.0
Ago 19    9 52 26.6   12 54  2 1899.4
Ago 29   10 29 13.0    9 29 48 1903.4

Sep  8   11  5 25.5    5 50 22 1907.9
Sep 18   11 41 19.8    2  1 13 1913.0
Sep 28   12 17 14.7  - 1 52  0 1918.3
Oct  8   12 53 32.6  - 5 43 54 1923.7
Oct 18   13 30 31.9  - 9 28 21 1929.3

Oct 28   14  8 30.6  -12 59  1 1934.6
Nov  7   14 47 45.0  -16  9 34 1939.5
Nov 17   15 28 22.0  -18 53  5 1944.2
Nov 27   16 10 21.1  -21  3  2 1948.0
Dic  7   16 53 33.5  -22 33 41 1951.1

Dic 17   17 37 35.8  -23 20 23 1953.5
Dic 27   18 21 57.7  -23 20 37 1954.7
Ene  6   19  6  8.0  -22 34 11 1955.0


                    Physical Ephemeris for the Sun 2002

 Date    Po   Bo    Lo     Date    Po   Bo    Lo     Date    Po   Bo    Lo    
          o    o     o              o    o     o              o    o     o    
Jan  1   2.0 -2.9  80.0   May  4 -23.5 -3.9 258.6   Sep  4  21.7  7.1  71.6 
     4   0.6 -3.3  40.5        7 -22.9 -3.5 219.0        7  22.4  7.1  32.0 
     7  -0.9 -3.6   0.9       10 -22.2 -3.2 179.3       10  23.0  7.1 352.4 
    10  -2.3 -3.9 321.4       13 -21.4 -2.9 139.6       13  23.6  7.1 312.8 
    13  -3.7 -4.2 281.9       16 -20.6 -2.6 100.0       16  24.1  7.1 273.2 

    16  -5.1 -4.5 242.4       19 -19.8 -2.2  60.3       19  24.6  7.0 233.6 
    19  -6.5 -4.8 202.9       22 -18.8 -1.9  20.6       22  25.0  7.0 194.0 
    22  -7.9 -5.1 163.4       25 -17.9 -1.5 340.9       25  25.4  6.9 154.4 
    25  -9.2 -5.4 123.9       28 -16.8 -1.2 301.2       28  25.7  6.8 114.8 
    28 -10.5 -5.6  84.4       31 -15.8 -0.8 261.5   Oct  1  25.9  6.6  75.2 

    31 -11.7 -5.8  44.9   Jun  3 -14.6 -0.5 221.8        4  26.1  6.5  35.6 
Feb  3 -12.9 -6.0   5.4        6 -13.5 -0.1 182.1        7  26.2  6.3 356.0 
     6 -14.1 -6.2 325.9        9 -12.3  0.2 142.4       10  26.2  6.2 316.5 
     9 -15.2 -6.4 286.4       12 -11.0  0.6 102.7       13  26.2  6.0 276.9 
    12 -16.3 -6.6 246.9       15  -9.8  0.9  63.0       16  26.1  5.8 237.3 

    15 -17.3 -6.7 207.4       18  -8.5  1.3  23.3       19  25.9  5.5 197.7 
    18 -18.3 -6.8 167.9       21  -7.2  1.6 343.6       22  25.7  5.3 158.2 
    21 -19.2 -6.9 128.4       24  -5.8  2.0 303.9       25  25.4  5.0 118.6 
    24 -20.1 -7.0  88.9       27  -4.5  2.3 264.2       28  25.0  4.7  79.0 
    27 -20.9 -7.1  49.4       30  -3.2  2.7 224.5       31  24.6  4.5  39.5 

Mar  2 -21.7 -7.1   9.9   Jul  3  -1.8  3.0 184.7   Nov  3  24.1  4.2 359.9 
     5 -22.4 -7.1 330.4        6  -0.4  3.3 145.0        6  23.5  3.9 320.4 
     8 -23.1 -7.1 290.8        9   0.9  3.6 105.3        9  22.9  3.5 280.8 
    11 -23.7 -7.1 251.3       12   2.3  3.9  65.6       12  22.1  3.2 241.3 
    14 -24.2 -7.1 211.8       15   3.6  4.2  25.9       15  21.3  2.9 201.7 

    17 -24.7 -7.0 172.2       18   4.9  4.5 346.2       18  20.5  2.5 162.2 
    20 -25.1 -7.0 132.7       21   6.2  4.8 306.5       21  19.6  2.2 122.6 
    23 -25.4 -6.9  93.1       24   7.5  5.0 266.9       24  18.6  1.8  83.1 
    26 -25.7 -6.8  53.6       27   8.7  5.3 227.2       27  17.5  1.4  43.5 
    29 -25.9 -6.6  14.0       30  10.0  5.5 187.5       30  16.4  1.1   4.0 

Apr  1 -26.1 -6.5 334.4   Aug  2  11.2  5.7 147.8   Dec  3  15.3  0.7 324.5 
     4 -26.2 -6.3 294.8        5  12.3  5.9 108.1        6  14.1  0.3 284.9 
     7 -26.2 -6.1 255.2        8  13.5  6.1  68.5        9  12.8 -0.1 245.4 
    10 -26.2 -5.9 215.7       11  14.5  6.3  28.8       12  11.5 -0.5 205.9 
    13 -26.1 -5.7 176.1       14  15.6  6.5 349.1       15  10.2 -0.8 166.3 

    16 -25.9 -5.5 136.4       17  16.6  6.6 309.5       18   8.8 -1.2 126.8 
    19 -25.7 -5.2  96.8       20  17.6  6.7 269.8       21   7.4 -1.6  87.3 
    22 -25.4 -5.0  57.2       23  18.5  6.9 230.2       24   6.0 -1.9  47.8 
    25 -25.0 -4.7  17.6       26  19.4  6.9 190.5       27   4.6 -2.3   8.3 
    28 -24.6 -4.4 337.9       29  20.2  7.0 150.9       30   3.1 -2.7 328.8 

May  1 -24.1 -4.2 298.3   Sep  1  21.0  7.1 111.3   Jan  2   1.7 -3.0 289.2 

                         Motion of the Central Meridian
          days   0h    3h    6h    9h   12h   15h   18h   21h   24h
            0   0.0   1.7   3.3   5.0   6.6   8.3   9.9  11.6  13.2
            1  13.2  14.9  16.5  18.2  19.8  21.5  23.1  24.8  26.4
            2  26.4  28.1  29.7  31.4  33.0  34.7  36.3  38.0  39.6

Ephemeris of Mercury in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1   19 51 52.5  -23  2 29    5.4   15.3e  266.7   43   86.8  -0.8
Ene 11   20 48 49.3  -18 42 35    6.6   19.0e  257.0   76   61.7  -0.6
Ene 21   21  3 54.4  -14 53 60    8.9   13.4e  245.8  132   16.4   1.3
Ene 31   20 20 40.2  -15 48 14   10.1    8.0w  103.2  156    4.2   3.3
Feb 10   20  1 26.1  -18  9 26    8.6   22.4w   84.0  110   33.1   0.6

Feb 20   20 27 33.9  -18 44 36    7.1   26.5w   76.9   83   56.4   0.1
Mar  2   21 14 57.4  -17  8 29    6.1   25.3w   70.2   65   70.8   0.0
Mar 12   22 11 24.1  -13 21 51    5.5   21.3w   64.0   52   80.9  -0.2
Mar 22   23 12 53.5  - 7 30 29    5.1   15.1w   58.7   38   89.6  -0.6
Abr  1    0 19 29.4    0 15 16    5.0    6.7w   52.0   18   97.5  -1.3

Abr 11    1 32 50.0    9 20 55    5.1    4.0e  253.2   13   98.8  -1.9
Abr 21    2 49  9.0   17 48  3    5.8   14.6e  247.2   54   79.2  -1.1
May  1    3 52 34.4   22 51 37    7.3   20.6e  251.0   94   46.7   0.0
May 11    4 27 52.5   23 57  5    9.4   19.0e  254.7  127   20.0   1.4
May 21    4 29  1.6   21 49 41   11.6    9.2e  260.9  159    3.3   3.8

May 31    4  9 21.4   18 12 34   12.1    6.2w   53.2  166    1.4   4.6
Jun 10    4  0 42.3   16 24 11   10.5   18.0w   65.7  136   13.8   2.1
Jun 20    4 19 42.9   17 44 43    8.4   22.6w   71.5  110   33.1   0.7
Jun 30    5  6 59.1   20 52 44    6.6   20.5w   79.4   82   57.3  -0.3
Jul 10    6 21 23.5   23 23 14    5.5   12.7w   92.3   45   85.2  -1.2

Jul 20    7 52 35.8   22 26 20    5.0    2.0w  150.5    6   99.7  -2.1
Jul 30    9 17 33.4   17 35 12    5.1    9.9e  277.5   28   94.0  -1.1
Ago  9   10 26 37.9   10 50 21    5.4   18.2e  288.3   49   83.0  -0.4
Ago 19   11 22  4.8    3 47 11    5.9   23.9e  293.7   64   71.9   0.0
Ago 29   12  5 55.5  - 2 37 22    6.8   27.0e  297.0   79   59.5   0.2

Sep  8   12 35 34.6  - 7 25 13    8.0   26.1e  299.9   99   42.6   0.5
Sep 18   12 40 18.8  - 8 44 12    9.6   18.2e  305.5  129   18.4   1.5
Sep 28   12 11 27.6  - 4  0 14   10.2    2.6w   34.1  173    0.4   5.1
Oct  8   11 55 17.5    1 11 40    8.1   16.1w  115.6  116   27.8   0.5
Oct 18   12 30 55.4  - 1  9 29    6.1   17.0w  119.8   64   72.1  -0.8

Oct 28   13 29 10.3  - 7 32 37    5.1   11.1w  120.2   30   93.1  -1.0
Nov  7   14 31 16.2  -14 10 10    4.7    4.4w  117.1   10   99.2  -1.1
Nov 17   15 34 38.6  -19 42  3    4.6    1.7e  298.6    4   99.9  -1.2
Nov 27   16 40  3.0  -23 36 60    4.7    7.3e  289.0   16   98.1  -0.8
Dic  7   17 47 28.7  -25 32  2    5.0   12.7e  280.8   29   93.6  -0.6

Dic 17   18 53 54.1  -25  6 58    5.6   17.5e  271.8   49   83.1  -0.6
Dic 27   19 48  5.1  -22 26 31    6.8   19.8e  263.2   81   57.8  -0.5
Ene  6   19 56 56.7  -19 23 13    9.1   12.3e  252.8  137   13.3   1.6


Ephemeris of Venus in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1   18 31 17.2  -23 38 48    9.9    3.2w   79.8    4   99.9  -3.9
Ene 11   19 25 56.5  -22 44 34    9.8    1.1w   38.9    2  100.0  -3.9
Ene 21   20 19 23.3  -20 41  3    9.8    1.9e  291.2    3  100.0  -3.9
Ene 31   21 10 58.5  -17 36 36    9.9    4.2e  271.0    6   99.8  -3.9
Feb 10   22  0 30.4  -13 42 27    9.9    6.5e  262.4    9   99.4  -3.9

Feb 20   22 48  9.9  - 9 11 13   10.0    8.9e  257.1   12   98.9  -3.9
Mar  2   23 34 23.6  - 4 15 51   10.1   11.3e  253.6   16   98.2  -3.9
Mar 12    0 19 50.0    0 51  4   10.2   13.7e  251.5   19   97.3  -3.9
Mar 22    1  5 11.2    5 57 16   10.3   16.1e  250.7   23   96.2  -3.9
Abr  1    1 51  7.3   10 50 20   10.5   18.6e  251.0   26   94.9  -3.9

Abr 11    2 38 15.6   15 17 59   10.8   21.0e  252.5   30   93.3  -3.9
Abr 21    3 27  1.6   19  7 51   11.1   23.5e  255.0   34   91.5  -3.9
May  1    4 17 31.7   22  7 46   11.4   26.0e  258.5   38   89.5  -3.9
May 11    5  9 31.1   24  7 19   11.8   28.4e  262.8   42   87.2  -3.9
May 21    6  2 19.4   24 58 58   12.3   30.8e  267.6   46   84.6  -4.0

May 31    6 54 56.0   24 39 35   12.9   33.1e  272.6   50   81.8  -4.0
Jun 10    7 46 19.8   23 11 17   13.5   35.4e  277.5   55   78.8  -4.0
Jun 20    8 35 41.7   20 40 41   14.3   37.6e  281.9   59   75.5  -4.0
Jun 30    9 22 31.0   17 17 47   15.3   39.6e  285.7   64   72.0  -4.0
Jul 10   10  6 42.6   13 14  4   16.4   41.4e  288.8   69   68.3  -4.1

Jul 20   10 48 25.6    8 41 13   17.7   43.1e  291.2   73   64.3  -4.1
Jul 30   11 27 54.3    3 50 54   19.3   44.4e  292.8   78   60.1  -4.2
Ago  9   12  5 25.9  - 1  6  7   21.3   45.4e  293.9   84   55.5  -4.2
Ago 19   12 41  8.3  - 5 59 35   23.6   46.0e  294.4   89   50.5  -4.3
Ago 29   13 14 48.9  -10 38 57   26.6   45.8e  294.6   96   45.1  -4.4

Sep  8   13 45 51.3  -14 54  3   30.3   44.8e  294.6  103   39.0  -4.5
Sep 18   14 12 50.9  -18 33 50   35.1   42.6e  294.9  111   32.1  -4.5
Sep 28   14 33 12.4  -21 23 57   41.1   38.4e  296.0  121   24.2  -4.6
Oct  8   14 43 15.5  -23  4  8   48.4   31.6e  299.0  134   15.3  -4.5
Oct 18   14 39 14.0  -23  2  9   56.1   21.3e  306.7  150    6.7  -4.4

Oct 28   14 21 51.2  -20 46 51   61.5    8.4e  337.2  168    1.0  -4.1
Nov  7   14  1 26.1  -16 52 36   61.0   11.1w   88.0  165    1.8  -4.2
Nov 17   13 50 49.7  -13 14  8   55.2   24.1w  106.8  146    8.6  -4.5
Nov 27   13 54 57.0  -11 17 24   47.5   33.9w  111.1  130   17.7  -4.6
Dic  7   14 11 48.0  -11  8 51   40.4   40.2w  111.9  118   26.6  -4.7

Dic 17   14 37 49.9  -12 17 32   34.6   44.0w  111.0  108   34.6  -4.6
Dic 27   15 10 30.7  -14 10 34   30.1   46.0w  108.9  100   41.4  -4.6
Ene  6   15 48 13.4  -16 19 48   26.5   46.9w  105.9   93   47.4  -4.5


Ephemeris of Mars in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1   23 12 49.2  - 5 49 33    6.3   66.5e  247.4   39   88.7   0.8
Ene 11   23 39 29.4  - 2 46 25    6.0   63.6e  246.9   38   89.5   0.9
Ene 21    0  5 59.8    0 17 26    5.7   60.7e  246.8   36   90.2   0.9
Ene 31    0 32 25.3    3 19 17    5.4   57.8e  246.9   35   91.0   1.0
Feb 10    0 58 52.3    6 16 37    5.2   54.9e  247.4   33   91.8   1.1

Feb 20    1 25 27.8    9  7 13    5.0   52.0e  248.2   32   92.6   1.2
Mar  2    1 52 16.2   11 48 43    4.8   49.0e  249.2   30   93.3   1.3
Mar 12    2 19 22.3   14 19  2    4.6   46.1e  250.6   28   94.0   1.4
Mar 22    2 46 50.0   16 36 16    4.5   43.1e  252.2   27   94.7   1.4
Abr  1    3 14 39.8   18 38 30    4.3   40.2e  254.1   25   95.4   1.5

Abr 11    3 42 52.2   20 24  8    4.2   37.2e  256.2   23   96.0   1.5
Abr 21    4 11 25.4   21 51 47    4.1   34.2e  258.4   21   96.6   1.6
May  1    4 40 14.5   23  0 17    4.0   31.3e  260.8   19   97.2   1.6
May 11    5  9 14.1   23 48 52    3.9   28.3e  263.3   18   97.7   1.7
May 21    5 38 17.5   24 17  5    3.8   25.3e  265.9   16   98.1   1.7

May 31    6  7 15.7   24 24 51    3.7   22.3e  268.3   14   98.5   1.7
Jun 10    6 36  1.4   24 12 31    3.7   19.3e  270.6   12   98.9   1.7
Jun 20    7  4 27.1   23 40 44    3.6   16.3e  272.7   10   99.2   1.7
Jun 30    7 32 25.6   22 50 30    3.6   13.2e  274.3    8   99.5   1.8
Jul 10    7 59 52.9   21 43  4    3.6   10.1e  275.2    6   99.7   1.8

Jul 20    8 26 45.9   20 19 50    3.5    7.1e  274.6    4   99.9   1.7
Jul 30    8 53  2.6   18 42 25    3.5    4.0e  269.2    2  100.0   1.7
Ago  9    9 18 44.6   16 52 20    3.5    1.3e  226.4    1  100.0   1.7
Ago 19    9 43 53.2   14 51 18    3.5    2.8w  133.1    2  100.0   1.7
Ago 29   10  8 31.4   12 40 57    3.5    6.0w  121.6    4   99.9   1.8

Sep  8   10 32 44.2   10 22 50    3.5    9.3w  118.7    6   99.8   1.8
Sep 18   10 56 35.9    7 58 34    3.6   12.6w  117.6    8   99.6   1.8
Sep 28   11 20 11.6    5 29 45    3.6   16.0w  117.0   10   99.3   1.8
Oct  8   11 43 38.0    2 57 48    3.6   19.5w  116.5   12   99.0   1.8
Oct 18   12  7  0.1    0 24 20    3.7   23.0w  115.9   14   98.6   1.8

Oct 28   12 30 23.9  - 2  9  7    3.8   26.6w  115.3   16   98.2   1.8
Nov  7   12 53 55.8  - 4 41  6    3.8   30.2w  114.5   18   97.7   1.8
Nov 17   13 17 40.4  - 7  9 57    3.9   33.8w  113.5   19   97.1   1.8
Nov 27   13 41 43.3  - 9 34  6    4.0   37.5w  112.2   21   96.5   1.7
Dic  7   14  6  9.3  -11 51 57    4.2   41.2w  110.8   23   95.9   1.7

Dic 17   14 31  1.3  -14  1 46    4.3   45.0w  109.1   25   95.2   1.6
Dic 27   14 56 22.6  -16  1 56    4.5   48.7w  107.2   27   94.5   1.6
Ene  6   15 22 14.8  -17 50 52    4.7   52.4w  105.1   29   93.8   1.5


                    Central Meridian of Mars 2002

Date  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   dRA   Oct   Nov   Dec
  1   56.3 108.4 191.5 247.2 314.6  13.4  82.1 140.3 197.5 263.4 319.6  26.4
  2   46.4  98.5 181.6 237.4 304.9   3.7  72.3 130.6 187.7 253.7 309.8  16.6
  3   36.5  88.6 171.8 227.6 295.2 354.0  62.6 120.8 177.9 243.8 300.0   6.9
  4   26.5  78.7 161.9 217.8 285.4 344.3  52.9 111.1 168.1 234.0 290.2 357.1
  5   16.6  68.8 152.1 208.1 275.7 334.6  43.2 101.3 158.3 224.2 280.4 347.4

  6    6.7  58.8 142.3 198.3 266.0 324.9  33.5  91.6 148.5 214.4 270.6 337.6
  7  356.7  48.9 132.4 188.5 256.3 315.2  23.8  81.8 138.7 204.6 260.8 327.9
  8  346.8  39.0 122.6 178.8 246.5 305.5  14.0  72.1 128.9 194.8 251.0 318.1
  9  336.8  29.1 112.7 169.0 236.8 295.8   4.3  62.3 119.1 185.0 241.3 308.4
 10  326.9  19.2 102.9 159.2 227.1 286.0 354.6  52.5 109.3 175.2 231.5 298.7

 11  317.0   9.3  93.1 149.5 217.4 276.3 344.8  42.8  99.5 165.4 221.7 288.9
 12  307.0 359.4  83.2 139.7 207.7 266.6 335.1  33.0  89.7 155.6 211.9 279.2
 13  297.1 349.5  73.4 129.9 197.9 256.9 325.4  23.2  79.9 145.8 202.1 269.4
 14  287.2 339.6  63.6 120.2 188.2 247.2 315.7  13.5  70.1 136.0 192.4 259.7
 15  277.2 329.7  53.8 110.4 178.5 237.5 305.9   3.7  60.3 126.2 182.6 250.0

 16  267.3 319.8  43.9 100.7 168.8 227.8 296.2 353.9  50.5 116.3 172.8 240.3
 17  257.3 309.9  34.1  90.9 159.1 218.1 286.5 344.2  40.7 106.5 163.0 230.5
 18  247.4 300.1  24.3  81.2 149.4 208.4 276.7 334.4  30.9  96.8 153.3 220.8
 19  237.5 290.2  14.5  71.4 139.7 198.7 267.0 324.6  21.1  86.9 143.5 211.1
 20  227.5 280.3   4.7  61.7 129.9 188.9 257.3 314.8  11.3  77.1 133.7 201.3

 21  217.6 270.4 354.9  52.0 120.2 179.2 247.5 305.1   1.5  67.3 124.0 191.6
 22  207.7 260.6 345.1  42.2 110.5 169.5 237.8 295.3 351.7  57.5 114.2 181.9
 23  197.8 250.7 335.3  32.5 100.8 159.8 228.0 285.5 341.9  47.7 104.4 172.2
 24  187.8 240.8 325.5  22.8  91.1 150.1 218.3 275.7 332.1  37.9  94.7 162.5
 25  177.9 230.9 315.7  13.0  81.4 140.4 208.6 265.9 322.3  28.1  84.9 152.8

 26  168.0 221.1 305.9   3.3  71.7 130.7 198.8 256.2 312.5  18.3  75.2 143.0
 27  158.0 211.2 296.1 353.5  62.0 120.9 189.1 246.4 302.7   8.5  65.4 133.3
 28  148.1 201.3 286.3 343.8  52.3 111.2 179.3 236.6 292.9 358.8  55.6 123.6
 29  138.2       276.5 334.1  42.5 101.5 169.6 226.8 283.1 348.9  45.9 113.9
 30  128.3       266.7 324.3  32.8  91.8 159.8 217.0 273.3 339.2  36.1 104.2

 31  118.3       256.9        23.1       150.1 207.3       329.3        94.5

                     Motion of the Central Meridian
       0h    1h    2h    3h    4h    5h    6h    7h    8h    9h   10h   11h 
  m     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o 
  0    0.0  14.6  29.2  43.9  58.5  73.1  87.7 102.3 117.0 131.6 146.2 160.8
 10    2.4  17.1  31.7  46.3  60.9  75.5  90.2 104.8 119.4 134.0 148.6 163.3
 20    4.9  19.5  34.1  48.7  63.4  78.0  92.6 107.2 121.8 136.5 151.1 165.7
 30    7.3  21.9  36.6  51.2  65.8  80.4  95.0 109.7 124.3 138.9 153.5 168.1
 40    9.7  24.4  39.0  53.6  68.2  82.8  97.5 112.1 126.7 141.3 156.0 170.6
 50   12.2  26.8  41.4  56.0  70.7  85.3  99.9 114.5 129.1 143.8 158.4 173.0
 60   14.6  29.2  43.9  58.5  73.1  87.7 102.3 117.0 131.6 146.2 160.8 175.4


Ephemeris of Jupiter in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1    6 46 24.3   23  0 47   47.0  179.7w   94.1    0  100.0  -2.7
Ene 11    6 40 36.6   23  8 13   46.8  168.8e  274.2    2  100.0  -2.7
Ene 21    6 35 14.5   23 14 27   46.3  157.3e  273.6    4   99.9  -2.7
Ene 31    6 30 42.1   23 19 21   45.4  146.1e  273.2    6   99.7  -2.6
Feb 10    6 27 16.9   23 22 57   44.4  135.2e  272.8    8   99.5  -2.6

Feb 20    6 25 11.4   23 25 25   43.2  124.6e  272.6    9   99.4  -2.5
Mar  2    6 24 31.6   23 26 53   41.9  114.4e  272.5   10   99.2  -2.4
Mar 12    6 25 17.8   23 27 24   40.6  104.6e  272.5   11   99.1  -2.3
Mar 22    6 27 26.9   23 26 57   39.3   95.1e  272.7   11   99.1  -2.3
Abr  1    6 30 53.1   23 25 24   38.0   86.0e  273.1   11   99.1  -2.2

Abr 11    6 35 28.7   23 22 33   36.9   77.2e  273.5   11   99.1  -2.1
Abr 21    6 41  6.1   23 18 10   35.9   68.7e  274.0   10   99.2  -2.1
May  1    6 47 36.6   23 12  1   34.9   60.5e  274.6   10   99.3  -2.0
May 11    6 54 52.2   23  3 52   34.1   52.5e  275.2    9   99.4  -2.0
May 21    7  2 45.7   22 53 31   33.4   44.7e  275.9    8   99.5  -1.9

May 31    7 11  9.5   22 40 51   32.8   37.0e  276.7    7   99.7  -1.9
Jun 10    7 19 57.1   22 25 46   32.3   29.5e  277.4    5   99.8  -1.9
Jun 20    7 29  2.6   22  8 15   32.0   22.1e  278.0    4   99.9  -1.8
Jun 30    7 38 19.7   21 48 22   31.7   14.7e  278.4    3   99.9  -1.8
Jul 10    7 47 43.5   21 26 13   31.5    7.4e  278.1    1  100.0  -1.8

Jul 20    7 57  8.6   21  1 59   31.5    0.3e  203.7    0  100.0  -1.8
Jul 30    8  6 30.0   20 35 55   31.5    7.3w  104.6    1  100.0  -1.8
Ago  9    8 15 43.2   20  8 21   31.6   14.6w  104.2    3   99.9  -1.8
Ago 19    8 24 43.1   19 39 40   31.9   22.1w  104.5    4   99.9  -1.8
Ago 29    8 33 24.7   19 10 20   32.2   29.6w  105.0    5   99.8  -1.8

Sep  8    8 41 43.4   18 40 52   32.7   37.2w  105.5    7   99.7  -1.9
Sep 18    8 49 33.4   18 11 52   33.2   45.1w  106.0    8   99.5  -1.9
Sep 28    8 56 49.2   17 43 59   33.9   53.1w  106.4    9   99.4  -1.9
Oct  8    9  3 25.3   17 17 57   34.7   61.3w  106.8   10   99.3  -2.0
Oct 18    9  9 14.7   16 54 32   35.6   69.7w  107.2   10   99.2  -2.0

Oct 28    9 14 11.2   16 34 32   36.5   78.4w  107.5   11   99.1  -2.1
Nov  7    9 18  8.1   16 18 42   37.6   87.5w  107.6   11   99.1  -2.1
Nov 17    9 20 58.6   16  7 50   38.8   96.8w  107.7   11   99.1  -2.2
Nov 27    9 22 37.4   16  2 30   40.0  106.5w  107.7   10   99.2  -2.3
Dic  7    9 22 59.9   16  3  8   41.2  116.6w  107.6   10   99.3  -2.3

Dic 17    9 22  4.2   16  9 52   42.4  127.0w  107.3    9   99.4  -2.4
Dic 27    9 19 52.7   16 22 21   43.5  137.7w  106.9    7   99.6  -2.5
Ene  6    9 16 31.2   16 39 54   44.4  148.8w  106.2    6   99.8  -2.5


                    Central Meridian of Jupiter, System 1 2002

Date  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   dRA   Oct   Nov   Dec
  1  270.1 127.9 228.6  79.6 130.4 337.8  27.4 235.2  84.3 137.3 350.3  47.8
  2   68.1 285.8  26.4 237.3 288.1 135.4 185.0  32.9 242.0 295.1 148.1 205.8
  3  226.1  83.8 184.3  35.1  85.8 293.1 342.7 190.6  39.8  92.9 306.0   3.8
  4   24.1 241.7 342.1 192.8 243.4  90.8 140.4 348.3 197.5 250.7 103.9 161.8
  5  182.2  39.6 139.9 350.5  41.1 248.4 298.0 146.0 355.3  48.5 261.8 319.7

  6  340.2 197.5 297.8 148.2 198.8  46.1  95.7 303.7 153.0 206.3  59.6 117.7
  7  138.3 355.4  95.6 305.9 356.4 203.7 253.3 101.4 310.8   4.1 217.6 275.7
  8  296.3 153.4 253.3 103.6 154.1   1.3  51.0 259.1 108.5 161.9  15.4  73.6
  9   94.3 311.3  51.1 261.3 311.8 159.0 208.7  56.8 266.3 319.8 173.3 231.6
 10  252.3 109.2 208.9  59.1 109.4 316.6   6.3 214.5  64.0 117.6 331.3  29.6

 11   50.3 267.1   6.8 216.8 267.1 114.3 164.0  12.2 221.8 275.4 129.1 187.6
 12  208.3  65.0 164.5  14.4  64.8 271.9 321.7 169.9  19.5  73.2 287.1 345.6
 13    6.3 222.9 322.3 172.1 222.4  69.6 119.3 327.6 177.3 231.0  84.9 143.6
 14  164.3  20.8 120.1 329.8  20.1 227.3 277.0 125.3 335.0  28.9 242.9 301.6
 15  322.3 178.7 277.9 127.5 177.7  24.9  74.7 283.0 132.8 186.7  40.8  99.6

 16  120.3 336.6  75.6 285.3 335.4 182.6 232.3  80.7 290.6 344.5 198.7 257.6
 17  278.3 134.4 233.4  82.9 133.0 340.2  30.0 238.4  88.3 142.4 356.6  55.6
 18   76.3 292.3  31.2 240.6 290.7 137.9 187.7  36.1 246.1 300.2 154.6 213.6
 19  234.3  90.2 188.9  38.3  88.3 295.5 345.4 193.8  43.9  98.1 312.5  11.6
 20   32.3 248.0 346.7 196.0 246.0  93.1 143.0 351.6 201.6 255.9 110.4 169.6

 21  190.3  45.9 144.4 353.7  43.6 250.8 300.7 149.3 359.4  53.8 268.4 327.6
 22  348.3 203.8 302.2 151.4 201.3  48.4  98.4 307.0 157.2 211.6  66.3 125.6
 23  146.3   1.6  99.9 309.0 358.9 206.1 256.1 104.7 314.9   9.4 224.3 283.7
 24  304.2 159.4 257.7 106.7 156.6   3.8  53.8 262.4 112.8 167.3  22.2  81.7
 25  102.2 317.3  55.4 264.4 314.3 161.4 211.4  60.2 270.5 325.1 180.1 239.7

 26  260.1 115.1 213.2  62.1 111.9 319.1   9.1 217.9  68.3 123.0 338.1  37.7
 27   58.1 273.0  10.9 219.8 269.6 116.8 166.8  15.6 226.1 280.9 136.0 195.8
 28  216.1  70.8 168.7  17.4  67.2 274.4 324.4 173.4  23.9  78.8 293.9 353.8
 29   14.0       326.4 175.1 224.8  72.1 122.1 331.1 181.7 236.6  91.9 151.8
 30  172.0       124.1 332.8  22.5 229.7 279.8 128.8 339.5  34.5 249.9 309.8

 31  329.9       281.9       180.1        77.5 286.6       192.4       107.9

                     Motion of the Central Meridian
       0h    1h    2h    3h    4h    5h    6h    7h    8h    9h   10h   11h 
  m     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o 
  0    0.0  36.6  73.2 109.7 146.3 182.9 219.5 256.1 292.6 329.2   5.8  42.4
 10    6.1  42.7  79.3 115.8 152.4 189.0 225.6 262.2 298.7 335.3  11.9  48.5
 20   12.2  48.8  85.4 121.9 158.5 195.1 231.7 268.2 304.8 341.4  18.0  54.6
 30   18.3  54.9  91.4 128.0 164.6 201.2 237.8 274.3 310.9 347.5  24.1  60.7
 40   24.4  61.0  97.5 134.1 170.7 207.3 243.9 280.4 317.0 353.6  30.2  66.8
 50   30.5  67.1 103.6 140.2 176.8 213.4 250.0 286.5 323.1 359.7  36.3  72.9
 60   36.6  73.2 109.7 146.3 182.9 219.5 256.1 292.6 329.2   5.8  42.4  79.0

                    Central Meridian of Jupiter, System II 2002

Date  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   dRA   Oct   Nov   Dec
  1   72.7  54.0 301.1 275.6  97.6  68.4 249.1 220.4 192.9  17.0 353.4 182.1
  2  223.1 204.3  91.4  65.7 247.6 218.4  39.1  10.5 343.1 167.2 143.7 332.4
  3   13.5 354.6 241.6 215.8  37.6   8.4 189.1 160.5 133.1 317.4 293.9 122.8
  4  163.9 144.9  31.8   5.9 187.7 158.4 339.2 310.6 283.3 107.6  84.2 273.1
  5  314.3 295.3 181.9 156.0 337.7 308.5 129.2 100.7  73.4 257.7 234.4  63.4

  6  104.7  85.5 332.1 306.1 127.8  98.5 279.3 250.8 223.5  47.9  24.7 213.8
  7  255.1 235.8 122.3  96.1 277.8 248.5  69.3  40.8  13.6 198.1 174.9   4.2
  8   45.5  26.1 272.4 246.3  67.8  38.6 219.3 190.9 163.8 348.3 325.2 154.5
  9  195.9 176.4  62.6  36.3 217.8 188.6   9.4 340.9 313.9 138.4 115.5 304.9
 10  346.3 326.7 212.8 186.4   7.9 338.6 159.4 131.0 104.0 288.6 265.8  95.2

 11  136.7 116.9   2.9 336.4 157.9 128.6 309.4 281.1 254.1  78.8  56.1 245.6
 12  287.1 267.2 153.1 126.5 307.9 278.6  99.4  71.1  44.3 229.0 206.3  35.9
 13   77.4  57.4 303.3 276.6  97.9  68.6 249.5 221.2 194.4  19.2 356.6 186.3
 14  227.8 207.8  93.4  66.7 248.0 218.7  39.6  11.3 344.5 169.4 146.9 336.7
 15   18.2 358.0 243.6 216.8  38.0   8.7 189.6 161.4 134.6 319.6 297.2 127.1

 16  168.6 148.3  33.7   6.8 188.1 158.7 339.6 311.4 284.8 109.8  87.4 277.4
 17  318.9 298.5 183.9 156.9 338.1 308.8 129.6 101.5  74.9 260.0 237.8  67.8
 18  109.3  88.8 334.0 306.9 128.1  98.8 279.7 251.6 225.0  50.3  28.0 218.1
 19  259.6 239.0 124.1  97.0 278.1 248.8  69.8  41.7  15.2 200.4 178.3   8.5
 20   50.0  29.2 274.3 247.0  68.1  38.8 219.8 191.8 165.3 350.6 328.6 158.9

 21  200.4 179.4  64.4  37.1 218.2 188.8   9.8 341.9 315.4 140.9 118.9 309.3
 22  350.7 329.7 214.5 187.1   8.2 338.9 159.9 131.9 105.6 291.1 269.3  99.7
 23  141.1 119.9   4.6 337.2 158.2 128.9 309.9 282.1 255.8  81.3  59.6 250.1
 24  291.4 270.1 154.8 127.3 308.3 278.9 100.0  72.1  45.9 231.5 209.9  40.4
 25   81.8  60.3 304.9 277.3  98.3  68.9 250.0 222.3 196.1  21.8   0.2 190.8

 26  232.1 210.6  95.0  67.3 248.3 218.9  40.1  12.3 346.2 172.0 150.5 341.3
 27   22.4   0.8 245.1 217.4  38.3   9.0 190.1 162.4 136.4 322.2 300.8 131.6
 28  172.8 150.9  35.2   7.4 188.3 159.0 340.2 312.5 286.5 112.4  91.1 282.0
 29  323.1       185.3 157.4 338.3 309.1 130.3 102.6  76.7 262.7 241.4  72.4
 30  113.4       335.4 307.5 128.4  99.1 280.3 252.8 226.9  52.9  31.8 222.8

 31  263.7       125.5       278.4        70.4  42.8       203.2        13.2

                     Motion of the Central Meridian
       0h    1h    2h    3h    4h    5h    6h    7h    8h    9h   10h   11h 
  m     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o 
  0    0.0  36.3  72.5 108.8 145.0 181.3 217.6 253.8 290.1 326.4   2.6  38.9
 10    6.0  42.3  78.6 114.8 151.1 187.3 223.6 259.9 296.1 332.4   8.7  44.9
 20   12.1  48.3  84.6 120.9 157.1 193.4 229.7 265.9 302.2 338.4  14.7  51.0
 30   18.1  54.4  90.7 126.9 163.2 199.4 235.7 272.0 308.2 344.5  20.7  57.0
 40   24.2  60.4  96.7 133.0 169.2 205.5 241.7 278.0 314.3 350.5  26.8  63.0
 50   30.2  66.5 102.7 139.0 175.3 211.5 247.8 284.0 320.3 356.6  32.8  69.1
 60   36.3  72.5 108.8 145.0 181.3 217.6 253.8 290.1 326.4   2.6  38.9  75.1


Ephemeris of Saturn in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1    4 31 43.6   20  3 48   20.3  148.9e  258.4    3   99.9  -0.3
Ene 11    4 29 18.3   20  0 41   20.1  138.2e  259.2    4   99.9  -0.2
Ene 21    4 27 31.4   19 59  8   19.8  127.6e  259.7    5   99.8  -0.1
Ene 31    4 26 28.5   19 59 18   19.5  117.2e  260.0    6   99.8  -0.1
Feb 10    4 26 12.2   20  1 18   19.1  107.0e  260.4    6   99.7   0.0

Feb 20    4 26 43.5   20  5  5   18.8   97.0e  260.7    6   99.7   0.0
Mar  2    4 28  1.6   20 10 33   18.4   87.3e  261.1    6   99.7   0.1
Mar 12    4 30  3.9   20 17 29   18.1   77.8e  261.6    6   99.7   0.1
Mar 22    4 32 47.6   20 25 37   17.8   68.5e  262.1    6   99.7   0.1
Abr  1    4 36  8.4   20 34 40   17.5   59.4e  262.7    5   99.8   0.1

Abr 11    4 40  2.0   20 44 19   17.3   50.5e  263.3    5   99.8   0.1
Abr 21    4 44 24.1   20 54 17   17.0   41.7e  264.1    4   99.9   0.1
May  1    4 49  9.6   21  4 15   16.9   33.1e  265.1    3   99.9   0.1
May 11    4 54 13.9   21 13 59   16.7   24.6e  266.4    3   99.9   0.1
May 21    4 59 32.7   21 23 15   16.6   16.3e  268.6    2  100.0   0.1

May 31    5  5  0.8   21 31 50   16.6    8.0e  273.9    1  100.0   0.0
Jun 10    5 10 34.0   21 39 38   16.6    1.3w   11.7    0  100.0   0.0
Jun 20    5 16  7.6   21 46 31   16.6    8.7w   77.3    1  100.0   0.0
Jun 30    5 21 37.0   21 52 25   16.6   16.9w   82.0    2  100.0   0.1
Jul 10    5 26 57.9   21 57 18   16.7   25.2w   84.0    3   99.9   0.1

Jul 20    5 32  5.3   22  1 11   16.9   33.6w   85.3    4   99.9   0.1
Jul 30    5 36 54.8   22  4  8   17.1   42.0w   86.3    4   99.9   0.1
Ago  9    5 41 21.8   22  6 12   17.3   50.5w   87.1    5   99.8   0.1
Ago 19    5 45 21.5   22  7 31   17.5   59.2w   87.8    6   99.8   0.1
Ago 29    5 48 49.2   22  8 11   17.8   68.0w   88.4    6   99.7   0.1

Sep  8    5 51 40.8   22  8 22   18.1   77.1w   88.9    6   99.7   0.1
Sep 18    5 53 51.9   22  8 11   18.4   86.3w   89.3    6   99.7   0.1
Sep 28    5 55 19.2   22  7 47   18.8   95.7w   89.7    6   99.7   0.0
Oct  8    5 56  0.1   22  7 16   19.1  105.4w   90.0    6   99.7   0.0
Oct 18    5 55 53.1   22  6 43   19.5  115.3w   90.2    6   99.8  -0.1

Oct 28    5 54 58.7   22  6 10   19.8  125.5w   90.5    5   99.8  -0.2
Nov  7    5 53 19.0   22  5 39   20.1  135.9w   90.7    4   99.9  -0.2
Nov 17    5 50 58.7   22  5  8   20.3  146.5w   91.1    3   99.9  -0.3
Nov 27    5 48  5.1   22  4 35   20.5  157.2w   92.0    2  100.0  -0.4
Dic  7    5 44 47.1   22  3 58   20.7  168.1w   94.8    1  100.0  -0.4

Dic 17    5 41 16.1   22  3 19   20.7  178.4w  145.5    0  100.0  -0.5
Dic 27    5 37 44.2   22  2 41   20.7  169.8e  260.6    1  100.0  -0.4
Ene  6    5 34 23.5   22  2  9   20.5  158.8e  264.2    2  100.0  -0.4


                    Central Meridian of Saturn, System 1 2002

Date  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   dRA   Oct   Nov   Dec
  1  150.4  43.3 281.1 169.8 293.7 181.8 306.7 197.2  89.5 219.4 115.3 247.6
  2  274.8 167.5  45.3 293.9  57.8 305.9  70.9 321.4 213.8 343.8 239.6  11.9
  3   39.1 291.8 169.4  58.1 181.9  70.1 195.1  85.7 338.1 108.1   4.1 136.4
  4  163.4  56.0 293.6 182.3 306.1 194.3 319.3 209.9 102.4 232.4 128.4 260.8
  5  287.7 180.3  57.8 306.4  70.2 318.4  83.4 334.1 226.7 356.8 252.9  25.2

  6   52.0 304.4 181.9  70.5 194.3  82.6 207.6  98.4 351.0 121.2  17.3 149.6
  7  176.3  68.7 306.1 194.6 318.4 206.7 331.8 222.6 115.3 245.6 141.7 274.0
  8  300.6 192.9  70.3 318.8  82.6 330.9  96.0 346.9 239.6   9.9 266.1  38.4
  9   64.9 317.1 194.4  82.9 206.7  95.0 220.3 111.1   3.9 134.3  30.5 162.8
 10  189.3  81.4 318.6 207.0 330.8 219.2 344.4 235.4 128.3 258.7 154.9 287.2

 11  313.6 205.6  82.8 331.1  94.9 343.3 108.6 359.7 252.6  23.1 279.3  51.6
 12   77.9 329.8 206.9  95.3 219.1 107.5 232.8 123.9  16.9 147.4  43.8 176.0
 13  202.2  94.0 331.1 219.4 343.2 231.6 357.0 248.2 141.3 271.8 168.1 300.4
 14  326.4 218.2  95.3 343.5 107.3 355.8 121.3  12.4 265.6  36.2 292.6  64.8
 15   90.8 342.4 219.4 107.6 231.5 119.9 245.4 136.7  29.9 160.6  56.9 189.2

 16  215.1 106.6 343.6 231.8 355.6 244.1   9.6 260.9 154.2 284.9 181.4 313.6
 17  339.3 230.8 107.7 355.9 119.8   8.3 133.8  25.3 278.6  49.3 305.8  78.0
 18  103.6 355.0 231.9 120.1 243.9 132.4 258.1 149.5  42.9 173.7  70.2 202.4
 19  227.9 119.3 356.0 244.2   8.0 256.6  22.3 273.8 167.2 298.1 194.6 326.8
 20  352.2 243.4 120.1   8.3 132.1  20.8 146.5  38.1 291.6  62.5 319.0  91.2

 21  116.4   7.6 244.3 132.4 256.3 144.9 270.7 162.3  55.9 186.9  83.4 215.6
 22  240.7 131.8   8.4 256.6  20.4 269.1  34.9 286.6 180.3 311.3 207.9 339.9
 23    5.0 256.0 132.6  20.7 144.6  33.3 159.1  50.9 304.6  75.6 332.3 104.3
 24  129.3  20.2 256.8 144.8 268.7 157.4 283.4 175.2  68.9 200.1  96.7 228.7
 25  253.5 144.4  20.9 268.9  32.8 281.6  47.6 299.4 193.3 324.4 221.1 353.1

 26   17.8 268.6 145.0  33.1 156.9  45.8 171.8  63.8 317.6  88.8 345.5 117.5
 27  142.0  32.8 269.1 157.2 281.1 170.0 296.0 188.0  81.9 213.3 109.9 241.9
 28  266.3 156.9  33.3 281.3  45.3 294.2  60.3 312.3 206.3 337.6 234.3   6.3
 29   30.6       157.4  45.4 169.4  58.3 184.5  76.6 330.7 102.1 358.8 130.6
 30  154.8       281.6 169.6 293.5 182.5 308.8 200.9  95.0 226.4 123.1 254.9

 31  279.1        45.7        57.7        72.9 325.2       350.8        19.3

                     Motion of the Central Meridian
       0h    1h    2h    3h    4h    5h    6h    7h    8h    9h   10h   11h 
  m     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o 
  0    0.0  35.2  70.4 105.5 140.7 175.9 211.1 246.3 281.4 316.6 351.8  27.0
 10    5.9  41.0  76.2 111.4 146.6 181.8 216.9 252.1 287.3 322.5 357.7  32.8
 20   11.7  46.9  82.1 117.3 152.4 187.6 222.8 258.0 293.2 328.3   3.5  38.7
 30   17.6  52.8  87.9 123.1 158.3 193.5 228.7 263.8 299.0 334.2   9.4  44.6
 40   23.5  58.6  93.8 129.0 164.2 199.3 234.5 269.7 304.9 340.1  15.2  50.4
 50   29.3  64.5  99.7 134.9 170.0 205.2 240.4 275.6 310.7 345.9  21.1  56.3
 60   35.2  70.4 105.5 140.7 175.9 211.1 246.3 281.4 316.6 351.8  27.0  62.1


Ephemeris of Uranus in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1   21 40 11.9  -14 41 28    3.3   42.2e  251.7    2  100.0   5.9
Ene 11   21 42  5.9  -14 31 44    3.3   32.5e  252.0    2  100.0   5.9
Ene 21   21 44  9.3  -14 21 11    3.3   22.8e  252.4    1  100.0   5.9
Ene 31   21 46 19.3  -14 10  3    3.3   13.2e  253.6    1  100.0   5.9
Feb 10   21 48 33.1  -13 58 33    3.3    3.7e  261.2    0  100.0   5.9

Feb 20   21 50 47.8  -13 46 58    3.3    5.9w   63.6    0  100.0   5.9
Mar  2   21 53  0.6  -13 35 30    3.3   15.4w   67.7    1  100.0   5.9
Mar 12   21 55  8.8  -13 24 25    3.3   24.8w   68.6    1  100.0   5.9
Mar 22   21 57  9.6  -13 13 57    3.3   34.3w   69.0    2  100.0   5.9
Abr  1   21 59  0.7  -13  4 20    3.3   43.7w   69.2    2  100.0   5.9

Abr 11   22  0 39.8  -12 55 47    3.3   53.1w   69.3    2  100.0   5.9
Abr 21   22  2  5.0  -12 48 29    3.4   62.5w   69.4    3  100.0   5.9
May  1   22  3 14.4  -12 42 36    3.4   71.9w   69.4    3   99.9   5.9
May 11   22  4  6.8  -12 38 16    3.4   81.4w   69.5    3   99.9   5.8
May 21   22  4 41.1  -12 35 34    3.4   90.9w   69.6    3   99.9   5.8

May 31   22  4 56.7  -12 34 35    3.5  100.4w   69.7    3   99.9   5.8
Jun 10   22  4 53.6  -12 35 17    3.5  110.0w   69.9    3   99.9   5.8
Jun 20   22  4 32.1  -12 37 38    3.5  119.7w   70.0    3  100.0   5.8
Jun 30   22  3 53.3  -12 41 32    3.5  129.4w   70.3    2  100.0   5.8
Jul 10   22  2 58.7  -12 46 48    3.6  139.2w   70.6    2  100.0   5.7

Jul 20   22  1 50.4  -12 53 14    3.6  149.0w   71.0    1  100.0   5.7
Jul 30   22  0 31.2  -13  0 33    3.6  158.9w   71.8    1  100.0   5.7
Ago  9   21 59  4.1  -13  8 29    3.6  168.8w   73.8    1  100.0   5.7
Ago 19   21 57 32.6  -13 16 41    3.6  178.6w  104.3    0  100.0   5.7
Ago 29   21 56  0.6  -13 24 49    3.6  171.1e  245.1    0  100.0   5.7

Sep  8   21 54 31.7  -13 32 34    3.6  161.0e  247.9    1  100.0   5.7
Sep 18   21 53  9.8  -13 39 35    3.6  150.9e  248.8    1  100.0   5.7
Sep 28   21 51 58.3  -13 45 36    3.6  140.9e  249.3    2  100.0   5.7
Oct  8   21 51  0.2  -13 50 22    3.5  130.8e  249.7    2  100.0   5.8
Oct 18   21 50 18.2  -13 53 41    3.5  120.7e  249.9    2  100.0   5.8

Oct 28   21 49 54.1  -13 55 24    3.5  110.6e  250.1    3   99.9   5.8
Nov  7   21 49 49.1  -13 55 27    3.5  100.6e  250.3    3   99.9   5.8
Nov 17   21 50  4.1  -13 53 47    3.4   90.6e  250.4    3   99.9   5.8
Nov 27   21 50 38.7  -13 50 24    3.4   80.7e  250.5    3   99.9   5.8
Dic  7   21 51 32.4  -13 45 23    3.4   70.8e  250.6    3   99.9   5.9

Dic 17   21 52 43.9  -13 38 49    3.3   60.9e  250.6    2  100.0   5.9
Dic 27   21 54 11.5  -13 30 52    3.3   51.1e  250.7    2  100.0   5.9
Ene  6   21 55 53.2  -13 21 40    3.3   41.4e  250.9    2  100.0   5.9


Ephemeris of Neptune in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1   20 39 17.4  -18 18 29    2.4   27.2e  255.0    1  100.0   8.0
Ene 11   20 40 44.7  -18 13  7    2.4   17.4e  254.8    1  100.0   8.0
Ene 21   20 42 15.8  -18  7 29    2.4    7.6e  254.2    0  100.0   8.0
Ene 31   20 43 48.4  -18  1 40    2.4    2.2w   77.5    0  100.0   8.0
Feb 10   20 45 20.4  -17 55 51    2.4   12.0w   75.2    0  100.0   8.0

Feb 20   20 46 49.6  -17 50  9    2.4   21.7w   74.9    1  100.0   8.0
Mar  2   20 48 14.1  -17 44 43    2.4   31.4w   74.7    1  100.0   8.0
Mar 12   20 49 31.9  -17 39 40    2.4   41.1w   74.6    1  100.0   8.0
Mar 22   20 50 41.3  -17 35  8    2.4   50.8w   74.4    1  100.0   8.0
Abr  1   20 51 40.8  -17 31 15    2.4   60.4w   74.3    2  100.0   7.9

Abr 11   20 52 29.1  -17 28  5    2.4   70.1w   74.3    2  100.0   7.9
Abr 21   20 53  5.2  -17 25 44    2.4   79.7w   74.2    2  100.0   7.9
May  1   20 53 28.4  -17 24 15    2.4   89.3w   74.1    2  100.0   7.9
May 11   20 53 38.4  -17 23 39    2.4   99.0w   74.1    2  100.0   7.9
May 21   20 53 35.3  -17 23 57    2.5  108.7w   74.1    2  100.0   7.9

May 31   20 53 19.3  -17 25  7    2.5  118.3w   74.1    2  100.0   7.9
Jun 10   20 52 51.2  -17 27  7    2.5  128.0w   74.1    2  100.0   7.9
Jun 20   20 52 12.1  -17 29 50    2.5  137.7w   74.2    1  100.0   7.9
Jun 30   20 51 23.7  -17 33 11    2.5  147.5w   74.2    1  100.0   7.8
Jul 10   20 50 27.6  -17 37  3    2.5  157.2w   74.2    1  100.0   7.8

Jul 20   20 49 25.9  -17 41 16    2.5  167.0w   74.1    0  100.0   7.8
Jul 30   20 48 21.0  -17 45 40    2.5  176.9w   73.2    0  100.0   7.8
Ago  9   20 47 15.2  -17 50  7    2.5  173.3e  255.2    0  100.0   7.8
Ago 19   20 46 11.0  -17 54 26    2.5  163.4e  254.9    1  100.0   7.8
Ago 29   20 45 10.9  -17 58 27    2.5  153.5e  254.9    1  100.0   7.8

Sep  8   20 44 17.3  -18  2  3    2.5  143.6e  254.9    1  100.0   7.9
Sep 18   20 43 32.2  -18  5  5    2.5  133.7e  255.0    1  100.0   7.9
Sep 28   20 42 57.4  -18  7 26    2.5  123.8e  255.0    2  100.0   7.9
Oct  8   20 42 34.4  -18  9  3    2.5  113.9e  255.0    2  100.0   7.9
Oct 18   20 42 24.4  -18  9 49    2.5  103.9e  255.0    2  100.0   7.9

Oct 28   20 42 27.9  -18  9 43    2.4   94.0e  255.0    2  100.0   7.9
Nov  7   20 42 45.2  -18  8 45    2.4   84.1e  255.0    2  100.0   7.9
Nov 17   20 43 16.1  -18  6 54    2.4   74.1e  254.9    2  100.0   7.9
Nov 27   20 43 60.0  -18  4 13    2.4   64.2e  254.9    2  100.0   7.9
Dic  7   20 44 55.8  -18  0 45    2.4   54.3e  254.8    2  100.0   8.0

Dic 17   20 46  2.2  -17 56 34    2.4   44.4e  254.7    1  100.0   8.0
Dic 27   20 47 17.7  -17 51 46    2.4   34.5e  254.6    1  100.0   8.0
Ene  6   20 48 40.5  -17 46 27    2.4   24.7e  254.4    1  100.0   8.0


Ephemeris of Pluto in 2002
Apparent equinox of date

Date        R.A.        Dec       dia   Elong   Limb    I   %ill   mag
          h  m   s     o  '  "     "      o       o     o
Ene  1   17  3 29.5  -12 59 41    0.2   26.0w  116.4    1  100.0  13.9
Ene 11   17  4 53.3  -13  1  1    0.2   35.2w  109.6    1  100.0  13.9
Ene 21   17  6 10.1  -13  1 41    0.2   44.7w  105.4    1  100.0  13.9
Ene 31   17  7 18.1  -13  1 42    0.2   54.4w  102.4    2  100.0  13.9
Feb 10   17  8 15.6  -13  1  7    0.2   64.1w  100.0    2  100.0  13.9

Feb 20   17  9  1.3  -12 59 59    0.2   73.8w   98.0    2  100.0  13.9
Mar  2   17  9 34.2  -12 58 22    0.2   83.6w   96.2    2  100.0  13.9
Mar 12   17  9 53.7  -12 56 23    0.2   93.4w   94.4    2  100.0  13.9
Mar 22   17  9 59.4  -12 54  5    0.2  103.2w   92.6    2  100.0  13.9
Abr  1   17  9 51.7  -12 51 38    0.2  112.9w   90.7    2  100.0  13.9

Abr 11   17  9 31.1  -12 49  7    0.2  122.7w   88.5    2  100.0  13.9
Abr 21   17  8 58.6  -12 46 38    0.2  132.4w   85.8    1  100.0  13.8
May  1   17  8 15.6  -12 44 18    0.2  141.9w   82.0    1  100.0  13.8
May 11   17  7 23.9  -12 42 15    0.2  151.3w   76.2    1  100.0  13.8
May 21   17  6 25.6  -12 40 34    0.2  160.2w   65.6    1  100.0  13.8

May 31   17  5 22.8  -12 39 19    0.2  167.6w   41.3    0  100.0  13.8
Jun 10   17  4 18.0  -12 38 36    0.2  169.5e  351.1    0  100.0  13.8
Jun 20   17  3 13.6  -12 38 28    0.2  164.0e  314.2    1  100.0  13.8
Jun 30   17  2 12.2  -12 38 58    0.2  155.7e  299.0    1  100.0  13.8
Jul 10   17  1 15.8  -12 40  6    0.2  146.6e  291.5    1  100.0  13.8

Jul 20   17  0 26.6  -12 41 53    0.2  137.3e  287.0    1  100.0  13.8
Jul 30   16 59 46.6  -12 44 18    0.2  127.9e  283.8    2  100.0  13.9
Ago  9   16 59 17.2  -12 47 18    0.2  118.4e  281.5    2  100.0  13.9
Ago 19   16 58 59.7  -12 50 50    0.2  108.9e  279.5    2  100.0  13.9
Ago 29   16 58 54.8  -12 54 51    0.2   99.4e  277.7    2  100.0  13.9

Sep  8   16 59  3.0  -12 59 15    0.2   89.9e  276.1    2  100.0  13.9
Sep 18   16 59 24.4  -13  3 57    0.2   80.4e  274.4    2  100.0  13.9
Sep 28   16 59 58.7  -13  8 50    0.2   70.9e  272.7    2  100.0  13.9
Oct  8   17  0 45.3  -13 13 49    0.2   61.4e  270.7    2  100.0  13.9
Oct 18   17  1 43.4  -13 18 46    0.2   52.0e  268.4    1  100.0  13.9

Oct 28   17  2 51.5  -13 23 34    0.2   42.6e  265.4    1  100.0  13.9
Nov  7   17  4  8.2  -13 28  9    0.2   33.2e  261.1    1  100.0  13.9
Nov 17   17  5 31.9  -13 32 24    0.2   24.1e  254.0    1  100.0  13.9
Nov 27   17  7  0.6  -13 36 14    0.2   15.6e  239.6    0  100.0  13.9
Dic  7   17  8 32.2  -13 39 34    0.2    9.6e  202.3    0  100.0  13.9

Dic 17   17 10  4.7  -13 42 22    0.2   11.5w  147.6    0  100.0  13.9
Dic 27   17 11 35.9  -13 44 34    0.2   19.1w  122.8    1  100.0  13.9
Ene  6   17 13  3.6  -13 46  9    0.2   28.0w  112.4    1  100.0  13.9


                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 3  7 19.6   I.Oc.D     13  0 37.1   I.Tr.I     22  4 10.2  II.Oc.D
 4  4 27.4   I.Tr.I         0 54.9   I.Sh.I     23  1 19.3 III.Sh.E
    4 31.9   I.Sh.I         2 51.9   I.Tr.E     24  0 19.5  II.Sh.I
    6 42.3   I.Tr.E         3 10.0   I.Sh.E         1 59.6  II.Tr.E
    6 46.9   I.Sh.E     14  0 30.7   I.Ec.R         3  8.1  II.Sh.E
   23 54.6 III.Oc.D         1 50.1  IV.Tr.I     27  4  6.6   I.Tr.I
 5  1 45.5   I.Oc.D         4 40.9  IV.Tr.E         4 44.2   I.Sh.I
    3 24.8 III.Ec.R         4 50.9  IV.Sh.I         6 21.3   I.Tr.E
    4  7.2   I.Ec.R     15  1 55.2  II.Oc.D     28  1 25.5   I.Oc.D
 6  1  8.2   I.Tr.E         5 25.1  II.Ec.R         4 20.6   I.Ec.R
    1 15.6   I.Sh.E     16 23 43.1  II.Tr.E     29  0 47.6   I.Tr.E
    5 32.3  II.Tr.I     17  0 31.5  II.Sh.E         1 28.0   I.Sh.E
    5 47.8  II.Sh.I     19  5 13.9   I.Oc.D        23 24.6 III.Tr.I
 7 23 41.4  II.Oc.D         6 27.6 III.Oc.D     30  2 10.8 III.Sh.I
 8  2 49.7  II.Ec.R     20  2 21.4   I.Tr.I         2 28.8 III.Tr.E
11  6 11.1   I.Tr.I         2 49.5   I.Sh.I         5 19.3 III.Sh.E
    6 26.3   I.Sh.I         4 36.2   I.Tr.E     31  1 30.1  II.Tr.I
12  3 10.0 III.Oc.D         5  4.6   I.Sh.E         2  4.2  IV.Sh.E
    3 29.4   I.Oc.D        23 40.1   I.Oc.D         2 56.2  II.Sh.I
    6  2.0   I.Ec.R     21  2 25.6   I.Ec.R         4 17.7  II.Tr.E
    7 25.0 III.Ec.R        23 33.2   I.Sh.E         5 44.6  II.Sh.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 1 23 54.8  II.Ec.R     12  2  7.0   I.Tr.I     21  0 37.5   I.Tr.E
 3  5 52.8   I.Tr.I         3  2.7   I.Sh.I         1 41.6   I.Sh.E
 4  3 11.8   I.Oc.D         4 21.4   I.Tr.E        23  3.6   I.Ec.R
 5  0 19.4   I.Tr.I         5 17.7   I.Sh.E     23  2 42.3  II.Oc.D
    1  7.7   I.Sh.I        23 26.2   I.Oc.D        23 47.9 III.Oc.D
    2 34.0   I.Tr.E     13  2 39.5   I.Ec.R     24  2 55.0 III.Oc.R
    3 22.8   I.Sh.E        23 46.5   I.Sh.E         4 16.7 III.Ec.D
 6  0 44.4   I.Ec.R     16  0 17.7  II.Oc.D     25  0  3.9  II.Sh.I
    2 50.0 III.Tr.I        23 18.0 III.Oc.R         0  7.8  IV.Ec.D
 7  3 50.3  II.Tr.I     17  0 17.0 III.Ec.D         0 36.7  II.Tr.E
    5 32.8  II.Sh.I         3 29.5 III.Ec.R         2 51.7  II.Sh.E
 8  0 53.5  IV.Oc.R     18  0 15.4  II.Sh.E         3 36.9  IV.Ec.R
 9  2 31.1  II.Ec.R     19  3 55.7   I.Tr.I     27  3  5.2   I.Oc.D
   23 28.8 III.Ec.R     20  1 15.1   I.Oc.D     28  0 13.4   I.Tr.I
11  4 59.2   I.Oc.D         4 34.7   I.Ec.R         1 21.8   I.Sh.I
                           23 26.6   I.Sh.I         2 27.8   I.Tr.E
                                                    3 36.8   I.Sh.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 1  0 58.8   I.Ec.R      9  0  1.0   I.Sh.E     23  0 20.1   I.Tr.I
 3  3 29.4 III.Oc.D     11  2 48.0  II.Tr.I         1 36.8   I.Sh.I
 4  0 17.8  II.Tr.I     13  2 17.7  II.Ec.R         2 34.5   I.Tr.E
    2 40.2  II.Sh.I     14  0 14.3 III.Tr.E     24  1 13.1   I.Ec.R
    3  4.5  II.Tr.E         2 10.8 III.Sh.I        22 20.9   I.Sh.E
   23 49.6  IV.Tr.I     15  1 17.2   I.Oc.D        23 34.4 III.Ec.R
 5  2 47.3  IV.Tr.E        22 26.0   I.Tr.I     27  2  3.8  II.Oc.D
   23 40.3  II.Ec.R        23 41.3   I.Sh.I     28 23 46.7  II.Sh.I
 7  1 23.0 III.Sh.E     16  0 40.3   I.Tr.E        23 59.5  II.Tr.E
    2  5.0   I.Tr.I         1 56.4   I.Sh.E     30  0  6.6  IV.Oc.D
    3 17.2   I.Sh.I        23 18.0   I.Ec.R         2 15.3   I.Tr.I
   23 24.5   I.Oc.D     19 23 28.1  II.Oc.D        23 34.7   I.Oc.D
 8  2 54.0   I.Ec.R     21  1  1.7 III.Tr.I     31 22 14.2 III.Oc.R
   22 47.3   I.Tr.E        23 58.2  II.Sh.E        22 58.8   I.Tr.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 1  0 16.5   I.Sh.E      8  0 55.3   I.Tr.E     22 23 38.7  II.Sh.E
    0 17.6 III.Ec.D        23 32.2   I.Ec.R        23 54.5   I.Oc.D
 4 23 50.1  II.Tr.I     15  0 37.8   I.Tr.I     23 22 16.5   I.Sh.I
 6 23 29.6  II.Ec.R        21 56.8   I.Oc.D        23 20.5   I.Tr.E
 7  1 30.6   I.Oc.D        22  1.1  IV.Oc.R     24  0 32.3   I.Sh.E
   22 40.6   I.Tr.I     16  1 27.3   I.Ec.R        21 51.0   I.Ec.R
   23  1.9  IV.Sh.I        22 36.6   I.Sh.E     26  0 40.4 III.Tr.E
   23  7.6 III.Oc.D     18 22 11.9 III.Sh.I     29 23 26.2  II.Sh.I
   23 56.7   I.Sh.I     20 23 25.0  II.Oc.D        23 58.4  II.Tr.E
                                                30 23  4.2   I.Tr.I

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 1  0 12.0   I.Sh.I     13 23 30.4 III.Oc.R     25 21 12.5   I.Sh.E
   23 46.0   I.Ec.R     16 21 33.7   I.Tr.I     27 21 29.6  IV.Tr.I
 3  0 22.1  IV.Ec.D        22 31.7   I.Sh.I     31 21 32.7  II.Tr.I
 6 23 38.1 III.Ec.R        23 49.7   I.Tr.E        22 11.3 III.Sh.I
   23 54.6  II.Tr.I     17 22  4.4   I.Ec.R        22 22.8 III.Tr.E
 8 22 21.5   I.Oc.D     19 22 31.8  IV.Ec.R        22 51.3   I.Oc.D
   23 20.7  II.Ec.R     24 21 33.0 III.Sh.E        23  3.9  II.Sh.I
 9 21 49.3   I.Tr.E        21 34.7  II.Tr.E
   22 52.6   I.Sh.E        23 17.9  II.Sh.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 1 22 21.8   I.Tr.E      9 22 16.9   I.Ec.R     16 21 22.8   I.Oc.D
 8 22  6.6   I.Tr.I     13 21 43.5  IV.Tr.E        21 50.3  II.Oc.D
                                                17 21 27.3   I.Sh.E
                                                30 21 30.0  IV.Sh.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 9 10  9.0  II.Oc.R     21  9 29.7   I.Ec.D     22  9 39.8   I.Tr.E
                                                25  9 59.5  II.Tr.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 9  9 12.3 III.Tr.I     17  8 51.1  II.Ec.D     27  7 28.7 III.Ec.R
    9 30.0 III.Sh.E     21  8 54.3   I.Sh.I         8  2.9 III.Oc.D
14  8 53.9  IV.Oc.D     22  9 17.0   I.Oc.R     29  7 54.5   I.Ec.D
    9 17.5   I.Sh.E     26  7 35.7  II.Tr.I     30  7 33.0   I.Sh.E
                            8 26.6  II.Sh.E         8 35.5   I.Tr.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 3  8  9.8  II.Sh.I     15  6 34.1 III.Tr.I     24  6  4.6   I.Oc.R
 4  7 53.3 III.Ec.D     16  6 58.4   I.Tr.E     28  7 43.6  II.Tr.I
 5  8 23.6  II.Oc.R     19  8 26.8  II.Ec.D         8  5.2  II.Sh.E
 7  7  9.9   I.Sh.I     21  7 57.3  II.Tr.E     30  5 40.6  II.Oc.R
    8 16.0   I.Tr.I     22  8  3.4   I.Ec.D         7 18.3   I.Sh.I
 8  7 42.6   I.Oc.R     23  6 37.5   I.Tr.I         8 32.3   I.Tr.I
                            7 41.4   I.Sh.E     31  7 59.8   I.Oc.R

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 3  6 38.7  IV.Ec.D     15  5  7.8  II.Tr.E     23  4 34.3   I.Ec.D
 4  7 48.3  II.Sh.I         5 32.9   I.Sh.I         8  7.5   I.Oc.R
 6  8 15.7  II.Oc.R         6 47.1   I.Tr.I     24  4 10.5   I.Sh.E
 7  6 18.8   I.Ec.D         7 49.1   I.Sh.E         5 22.7   I.Tr.E
 8  4 54.5   I.Tr.I     16  6 15.5   I.Oc.R     27  5 11.4 III.Sh.E
    5 56.0   I.Sh.E         7 41.9 III.Ec.D         6 28.1 III.Tr.I
    7 10.8   I.Tr.E     20  5 27.8  IV.Ec.R     29  4 52.6  II.Sh.I
 9  7 19.4 III.Ec.R         6 16.1 III.Tr.E         7 17.8  II.Tr.I
12  4 58.0  IV.Tr.I         7 58.5  II.Ec.D         7 45.8  II.Sh.E
13  5 25.0  II.Ec.D     22  4 47.2  II.Tr.I     30  6 27.9   I.Ec.D
14  8 12.3   I.Ec.D         5 10.0  II.Sh.E
                            7 25.9   I.Sh.I
                            7 40.7  II.Tr.E

                     Satellites of Jupiter 2002

 1  3 47.2   I.Sh.I     15  3 12.3 III.Ec.R     23  6 37.5   I.Ec.D
    4 56.6   I.Tr.I         3 44.8 III.Oc.D     24  1 58.5  II.Sh.I
    5  1.3  II.Oc.R         4 55.0  II.Ec.D         2  6.1  IV.Oc.R
    6  3.5   I.Sh.E         5  4.5  IV.Sh.I         3 47.3  II.Tr.I
    7 13.0   I.Tr.E         7 24.4 III.Oc.R         3 54.6   I.Sh.I
 2  4 25.9   I.Oc.R         7 33.2   I.Sh.I         4 47.1   I.Tr.I
 4  5 34.9 III.Sh.I     16  4 43.7   I.Ec.D         4 52.8  II.Sh.E
 6  7 28.3  II.Sh.I         8  3.8   I.Oc.R         6 11.3   I.Sh.E
 7  5 24.0  IV.Oc.D     17  3  0.4   I.Tr.I         6 41.6  II.Tr.E
 8  3 47.6 III.Oc.R         4 18.1   I.Sh.E         7  3.9   I.Tr.E
    5 40.2   I.Sh.I         4 18.7  II.Tr.E     25  4 17.8   I.Oc.R
    6 45.7   I.Tr.I         5 17.1   I.Tr.E     29  7 30.9 III.Ec.D
    7 26.4  II.Oc.R     18  2 30.8   I.Oc.R     31  4 34.6  II.Sh.I
    7 56.6   I.Sh.E     22  3 32.6 III.Ec.D         5 47.7   I.Sh.I
 9  6 15.4   I.Oc.R         7 10.7 III.Ec.R         6  7.9  II.Tr.I
10  3 29.3   I.Tr.E         7 17.1 III.Oc.D         6 32.8   I.Tr.I
                            7 28.2  II.Ec.D         7 29.2  II.Sh.E
                                                    8  4.6   I.Sh.E