Topics for bachelor and master projects (TFG, TFM) for:

-       ESEIAAT engineering bachelor and master degrees

-       Master degree in Photonics

-       Bachelor and master degree in Engineering Physics


Remote sensing using an optical system and machine learning


Experimental control of laser-generated speckle patterns


Characterization of complex optical signals by using machine learning and signal processing tools


Experimental optimization of the speckle contrast


Semiconductor laser lab (Gaia Buiding, UPC Campus Terrassa)


Our research is highly inter-disciplinary and many more research topics are available (in biophysics, neuronal dynamics, Earth science, complex networks).


What are we doing?

    We study nonlinear phenomena in various physical systems.


    A good understanding and control of the mechanisms that trigger instabilities allow to develop systems that work properly.

Why doing a project or an internship with us?

    You will learn to work with sophisticated lab equipment

    You will acquire programming skills and experience with data analysis tools.

    You will learn to apply engineering techniques to advance science, and you will contribute to solve real-world problems with socio-economic impact.

    You will gain experience in an international and multicultural work environment.


A few examples of research done by bachelor and master students that carried out their projects in our group:

    J. Ahuja, D. Bhiku Nalawade, J. Zamora-Munt, R. Vilaseca and C. Masoller, “Rogue waves in injected semiconductor lasers with current modulation: role of the modulation phase”, Optics Express 22, 28377 (2014).

    N. Martinez Alvarez, S. Borkar, C. Masoller, “Predictability of extreme intensity pulses in optically injected semiconductor lasers”, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 226, 1971 (2017).

    M. Panozzo, C. Quintero-Quiroz, J. Tiana-Alsina, M. C. Torrent, C. Masoller, “Experimental characterization of the transition to coherence collapse in a semiconductor laser with optical feedback”, Chaos 27, 114315 (2017).

    T. Jin, C. Siyu, C. Masoller, “Generation of extreme pulses on demand in semiconductor lasers with optical injection”, Opt. Express 25, 031326 (2017).



    Basic knowledge of physics (waves), mathematics (ordinary differential equations) and statistics is required.

More info?

    Don’t hesitate to ask:


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