
Prof. Cristina Masoller research on complex systems and data analysis

Complex systems are constituted by a large number of nonlinear units with nonlinear interactions. The dynamics and the interactions are often only partially known, and we are interested in developing appropriated data analysis tools for inferring and predicting the system’s structure and dynamics, from observed data. We are also interested in the identification and forecast of critical transitions and extreme fluctuations.


Watch the videos to see how the how seasons evolve during a normal year, a El Niño year and a La Niña year (temporal evolution of the cosine of the Hilbert phase, D. Zappala et al., Chaos 2020).


Fundus image and extracted tree-like network (P. Amil et al., Plos One 2019).


Recent publications


Correlation lags give early warning signals of approaching bifurcations

G. Tirabassi, C. Masoller, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 155, 111720 (2022).


Fast and effective pseudo transfer entropy for bivariate data-driven causal inference

R. Silini, C. Masoller, Scientific Reports 11, 8423 (2021).


Mapping atmospheric waves and unveiling phase coherent structures in a global surface air temperature reanalysis dataset

D. A. Zappala, M. Barreiro, C. Masoller, Chaos 30, 011103 (2020).


Network-based methods for retinal fundus image analysis and classification

P. Amil, F. Reyes-Manzano, L. Guzmán-Vargas, I. Sendiña-Nadal, C. Masoller, PLoS ONE 14, e0220132 (2019).


Outlier mining methods based on network structure analysis

P. Amil, N. Almeira, C. Masoller, Front. Phys. 7, 194 (2019).


Differentiating resting brain states using ordinal symbolic analysis

C. Quintero-Quiroz, L. Montesano, A. J. Pons, M. C. Torrent, J. García-Ojalvo, C. Masoller, Chaos 28, 106307 (2018). arXiv: 1805.0393


Book: Networks in Climate (H. A. Dijkstra, E. Hernandez-Garcia, C. Masoller and M. Barreiro, Cambridge University Press 2019, ISBN: 9781316275757)




ICREA ACADEMIA, Catalan Government (2021-2025)


Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain (PID2021-123994NB-C21, 2022-2024)


European Commission, Marie-Curie ITN CAFE (H2020-813844), BEOPTICAL (H2020-675512) and LINC (FP7-289447)


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