Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

December 6 to 9, 2011






Scientific Organizers


Cristina Masoller

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Barcelona, Spain

Igal Brener

Sandia National Laboratories


Alejandro Giacomotti

Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures

Marcoussis, France



First Announcement (pdf 152 KB)


The aim of this Workshop is to keep the scientific community working on nonlinear phenomena in lasers, optics and photonics in general updated with the most recent developments and tendencies in the field. We hope that the Workshop will provide the opportunity to interchange ideas in a relaxed environment, contributing in this form to the development of new scientific collaborations. Emphasis will be put in the participation of Latin-American scientists.


The topics covered by the Workshop include, but are not limited to:


Lasers: General laser theory; Semiconductor lasers; Microcavity and microdisk lasers; Photonic crystal lasers; Laser design and operation; Dynamical laser instabilities; Noisy laser behavior; Spatial pattern formation; Laser applications; Laser spectroscopy.


Nonlinear optics: Phase conjugation; Beam trapping, self-focusing and defocusing; Self-phase modulation; Optical frequency converters; Optical bistability, multistability, and switching; Dynamics of nonlinear optical systems; Optical instabilities, optical chaos and complexity; Optical spatio–temporal dynamics; solitons; nonlinear guided waves and waveguides.


Optical materials and nanophotonics: Nonlinear optical crystals; Photorefractive and semiconductor materials; Photonic bandgap materials; metamaterials and plasmonics; Nonlinear behavior in nanophotonics.


Invited Speakers


Sylvain Barbay

LPN-CNRS, Marcoussis, France

Localized states and excitability in a monolithic VCSEL with saturable absorber

Kamel Bencheikh

LPN-CNRS, Marcoussis, France

Slow light propagation due to nonlinear interactions in photonic crystal semi-conductors

Pascal Besnard

Foton-Enssat, CNRS, Lannion cedex, France

Single-frequency Quantum Dashed lasers submitted to optical injection

Hou-Tong Chen

Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Active tuning and nonlinearity in metamaterials

Santiago Costantino

University of Montreal, Canada

Optical protein patterning, micro-engineering the cellular environment using lasers

Cid B. de Araujo

Dep. de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

Enhanced nonlinear optical response from nanocomposites

Ricardo A. Depine

Departamento de Física, FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Surface plasmon polaritons on metamaterial boundaries

Orazio Descalzi

Universidad de los Andes, Chile

Dissipative explosive solitons

Alexander Gaeta

School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, USA

Novel optical devices based on four-wave mixing

Daniel Gauthier

Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, USA

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in optical patterns generated by the interaction of light and matter waves

Lendert Gelens

Department of Applied Physics and Photonics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Dynamical behavior of semiconductor ring lasers: Multistability and Excitability

Damià Gomila

IFISC, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain

From the Townes soliton to Kerr-cavity solitons and their applications

Fritz Henneberger

Photonics Group, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Random Semiconductor Lasers: Scattered versus Fabry-Perot Feedback


Alejandro Hnilo

Centro de Investigaciones en Láseres y Aplicaciones, Bs As, Argentina

Rogue waves in self-pulsing lasers

Miguel Hoyuelos

Departamento de Física, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Elliptically polarized transverse patterns in a cavity with electric and magnetic nonlinearities

Antonio Hurtado

Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex, U.K:

Nonlinear Dynamics in Long-Wavelength VCSELs subject to polarised optical injection

Francesca Intonti

LENS, Universitá degli studi di Firenze, Italy

Optical probing and local modification of photonic crystal molecules

Maxime Jacquot

Optics Dpt, FEMO-ST Institute, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France

Delay electro-optic dynamics for brain inspired information processing

Arturo Lezama

Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay

Generation of quantum correlated light beams in an atomic vapor

Michal Lipson

Nanophotonics Research Group Kavli Institute at Cornell, USA

Optomechanics in silicon nanostructures

Oscar Martinez

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Optical fabrication beyond the diffraction limit: making it fast, easy and cheap

Manuel Matias

IFISC, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain

Spatially nonlocal bistable media: front propagation and localized structures

Hernan Miguez

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Spain

Porous Multilayers: Novel Multifunctional Materials for Light Absorption and Emission Control

Mario Molina

Universidad de Chile

Localized modes and Fano resonances in magnetic metamaterials

J. R. Rios Leite

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

Instabilities in Ring Semiconductor Lasers

Eckehard Schoell

Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

Nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor quantum dot lasers

K. Alan Shore

Bangor University, Wales, U. K.

Design and applications of electrically-injected nano-spin lasers

Alessandro de Sousa Villar

Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Entanglement among bright light beams: creation, structure, sudden death

Roberta Zambrini

IFISC, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain

Quantum aspects of synchronization






Optical Society of America OSA


IEEE Photonics society (formerly LEOS)





The workshop proceedings will be published as an IEEE Conference Proceeding within the IEEE Conference Publications Program (CPP) and will be included in the IEEE Xplore database. CPP will handle the worldwide post-conference distribution, assuring wide distribution of the conference proceedings by providing abstracting and indexing of all the papers for inclusion in worldwide databases.


Manuscripts should be submitted as IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs.

Submission to the Conference Proceeding will be open from October 1, 2011 to December 6, 2011. Papers should be prepared online using the IEEE PDF eXpress service, and submitted online as IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs.  A minimum of 2 pages is required. Please follow these instructions to submit your manuscript:


1) Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site at

2) Create a new account and login using the following Conference ID: colonia11wkxp

3) Access Article Templates on the left menu. MS Word and LaTeX templates incorporate the specifications for conference proceedings articles on either a US-letter or an A4 page size.

4) Once the PDF file is generated, compatibility with IEEE Xplore-PDF can be checked by clicking “Submit PDF for Checking”. You can also convert files using “Submit Source Files for Conversion”.

5) You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.

6) Repeat this process until your file passes the PDF Check.

7) When you have an acceptable IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF, approve this final PDF to the conference.




The Workshop will be held in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, at the Radisson Hotel. Colonia del Sacramento was founded in 1680 by the Portuguese, and it was declared World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1995. Located on the north bank of the Rio de la Plata estuary, upriver from Montevideo, Colonia del Sacramento is situated at the tip of a peninsula. The historic quarter of the city, with the towers of the Church of the Holy Sacrament and the lighthouse, constitutes a remarkable testimony, in its plan and its monuments, to the character and the objectives of a European colonial city at the end of the 17th century.


Hotel information


The workshop will take place at the Radisson Hotel of Colonia del Sacramento (W. Barbot 283). The hotel is conveniently located by the River Plate (see map), one block from the historic part of the city, and it has a panoramic restaurant, a lobby bar, an outdoor swimming pool overlooking the River Plate, two hot baths and a Jacuzzi tub.


To make your reservation, please contact the Hotel Radisson directly, indicating your arrival and departure days, accompanying person if any, and mention "Laser and Optics Workshop participant". Contact information:


Please make your hotel reservation as soon as possible as it could be very busy due to a long holiday weekend in Argentina.

In front of Hotel Radisson there is a nice budget hostal: Posada del Rio (W. Barbot 258) which is a good option for more economic accommodation in single and double rooms with private toilets.


Special rates for the Workshop participants are (per room per night including breakfast, in superior or standard category, depending on availability):

Single room occupancy, U$S 117

Double room occupancy, U$S 130


Arrival information


Colonia del Sacramento is located in the coast of the Rio de la Plata estuary, about 1 hour by boat from Buenos Aires (Argentina), and about 2 hours by bus (177 kilometers) from Montevideo (Uruguay).


·       By Boat


From the Buenos Aires port Buquebus has daily ferries to Colonia del Sacramento (US$20, 2½ hours) and high-speed buque-aviones (US$35, one hour). If you flight to Buenos Aires, a bus or a remiss with Manuel Tienda Leon will take you from the airport to the port, where you can then take the boat to Colonia del Sacramento. The hotel is a 15 min. walk from Colonia port (see map), and there are plenty of taxis at the port waiting for the boats that arrive from Buenos Aires.


·       By Bus


An alternative way is to fly to Montevideo, Uruguay. From the airport take a taxi (about 50 dollars, 20 minutes) or a bus (about 30 pesos uruguayos, 40 minutes) to the main bus station in downtown Montevideo, 'TRES CRUCES', where you can catch a bus to Colonia del Sacramento (about 10 dollars, there are frequent buses of various companies as COT –see below for more information). The bus takes about 2 hours to arrive to Colonia del Sacramento, in Colonia del Sacramento the bus terminal is also within walking distance to the Radisson Hotel (see map) and there are taxis waiting for the buses arriving from Montevideo.


Currency: The local currency is “pesos uruguayos: You can change money at the airport. Also, notice that is an English-speaking tourist information office at the airport.




When you exit the airport, you will find a bus station right in front of the arrival terminal. Take the brown and orange bus of the COPSA company ( that says ‘MONTEVIDEO’ at the front. The bus runs about every 15 minutes. Ask the bus driver if the bus stops at TERMINAL TRES CRUCES to be sure. It will stop at the corner of the bus station (“Goes” and “Acevedo Dias” streets). You have to buy the ticket in the bus. The bus ticket costs about 2.5dollars (30 pesos uruguayos), the bus driver will only take pesos uruguayos currency. During rush hour the bus from the airport to the bus station can take about 1 hour. If you prefer to take a taxi from the airport to Tres Cruces, then is safe to take a taxi and there will be taxis at the airport exit. The cost is approximately 50 dollars.


From TRES CRUCES there are frequent buses to Colonia. Bus timetable:



Some useful contact phone numbers


Embassy of the United States in Uruguay: 2418 77 77

Police: 911

Medical Emergency (SEMM): 159

Airport (flight schedule check): 2604 02 72

Request a Cab in Montevideo: 141


Other useful information


Currency exchange: 1 dollar ~ 20 pesos

Usual Tip: 10% (less for cab fares)

ATM withdrawal: Use the BanRed ATMs (green color) if you have a VISA/ MasterCard check card. International ATM withdrawal fees apply (3-5 dollars depending on your bank).



Registration Fees


The registration fee has to be paid cash at the conference registration desk (prices in US dollars). It includes the coffee breaks, welcome cocktail and the book of abstracts.

Regular:                       U$S 250

Reduced (students):  U$S 100




Registration and Abstract submission:             October 14, 2011

Acceptance:                                                   October 24, 2011

Proceedings manuscript submission                December 6, 2011



To Register


Please send an email with the following information to,





Title of Contribution:

Abstract (about 200 words, no equations or figures):

Type of Contribution: Oral or Poster




History of the ‘Rio de la Plata’ Workshop


The first and second workshops were held in Colonia del Sacramento, in December 2003 and 2005; the third workshop was held in Punta del Este (Uruguay) in December 2007, and the fourth workshop, in Piriapolis (Uruguay) in December 2009.


These workshops were sponsored by the Optical Society of America (OSA), the Photonics Society, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG), and the Commission on Quantum Electronics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).


The proceedings of the 4th Workshop were published in a Topical Issue of the European Physical Journal D.




First Workshop (Colonia 2003)                        Second Workshop (Colonia 2005)

Program (pdf)                                                Program (pdf)

grupo.jpg    grupo_segundo_workshop_low.jpg


Third Workshop (Punta del Este 2007)            Fourth Workshop (Piriapolis 2009)

Program (pdf)                                                Program (pdf)

grupo_tercer_workshop.jpg    group_picture_2009_low_res.jpg



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